Recently, the Committee on Capital Markets Regulation published information regarding the competitiveness of our US capital markets. See the Committee’s site ( for detailed statistics that seem to focus principally on whether foreign issuers are looking to the United States for their IPOs. The report notes that “While the overall U.S. IPO market did see renewed signs of strength in the first quarter, increasing 41% in volume over the first quarter of 2013 ($11 billion versus $7.8 billion), foreign issuers accounted for relatively little of that activity. In fact, a number of key measures of market competitiveness showed dramatic declines over previous years, including: U.S. share of global IPOs by foreign companies decreased to 5.4%, the lowest level since 2008 and a substantial decline from the 11.4% recorded in 2012. This measure remains far below the historical average of 26.8% (1996-2007).”