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Florida Enacts Broad Insurance Reforms Focusing on Bad Faith

From 2019 to 2022, the Florida Legislature enacted four separate property insurance reforms that sought to rein in abusive property insurance litigation fueled by one-way attorney’s fee shifting and an army of professional...more

Florida Appellate Court Holds that Deadline to Report Claims Does Not Nullify Prompt Notice Provision

Florida’s Third District Court of Appeal recently affirmed a summary judgment entered in favor of a property insurer, holding that there is no conflict between the policy’s three year limitation for reporting hurricane claims...more

Florida Begins New Era with Major Property Insurance Reforms

For the fourth time since 2019, the Florida Legislature has enacted property insurance reforms aimed towards stabilizing a beleaguered insurance market. The bill, S.B. 2-A, creates a reinsurance assistance program,...more

Florida Property Insurance Reform Round Three Brings Big Changes

For the third time since 2019, the Florida Legislature has enacted broad property insurance reforms with the goal of stabilizing the insurance market and curbing litigation filed by unscrupulous contractors....more

True, False, or Simply Wrong? Florida Courts Disagree About Whether ‘False Statements’ Must Be Intentional

A Florida appellate court recently interpreted a “Concealment or Fraud” provision that voids coverage where an insured makes “material false statements” as requiring intentional deception, extending the split amongst the...more

A Look Inside Florida’s Recent Property Insurance Reform

Two years after implementing meaningful assignment of benefits reform, Florida enacted broader property insurance claim reform. On June 11, 2021, Governor DeSantis sign S.B. 76, which takes effect on July 1, 2021. ...more

Recent Bad Faith Cases Regarding Reasonableness of Medical Treatment

In two recent cases, the courts showed substantial deference to patients’ treating physicians in determining the reasonableness of medical treatment. This deference appears to reflect a reluctance of courts to decide what...more

Claims Handling: Questions Are the Answer

The key issue in insurance bad faith litigation is whether the claims professional reasonably handled the claim. Throughout the claims-handling process, the claims professional should constantly ask him-or-herself whether the...more

A Consequential Ruling: Florida Supreme Court Rejects Recovery of Consequential Damages in First-Party Breach of Contract Actions

In first-party breach of insurance contract actions, the parties oftentimes dispute whether the policyholder may seek damages that are not explicitly provided for in the policy, with the policyholder arguing such indirect...more

Eleventh Circuit Reaffirms Exception to the ‘Four Corners’ Rule for Determining an Insurer’s Duty to Defend

As a general rule, an insurer’s duty to defend arises under Florida law when the allegations of the complaint against the insured “fairly and potentially bring the suit within policy coverage.” Jones v. Fla. Ins. Guar. Ass’n,...more

Correlation or Causation for Coronavirus-Related Business Income Losses

In the wake of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, countless businesses have reduced or closed operations—some permanently. Flights have been canceled, hotels and restaurants have closed, and employees have been told to stay...more

Defending Institutional Bad Faith Claims, Part III – Proof by Other Claims

In Part I of this series, we explored the differences between institutional and non-institutional bad faith. For claims of institutional bad faith, plaintiffs often attempt to demonstrate a pattern and practice by offering...more

Defending Institutional Bad Faith Claims, Part II – Focusing on Plausibility

In Part I of this series, we discussed institutional bad faith and best practices for insurers to minimize the risk of these costly and intrusive lawsuits. In Part II, we will focus on cutting discovery off at the...more

Defending Institutional Bad Faith Claims, Part I – A Primer on Institutional Bad Faith

Broadly speaking, there are two types of bad faith claims that may be alleged against an insurance company - traditional or non-institutional bad faith, and institutional bad faith. For the former, a policyholder would seek...more

Florida Creates Right of Contribution Among Liability Insurers for Defense Costs

The Florida Legislature recently created a right of contribution among liability insurers for defense costs. Prior to the enactment of this legislation, it was long the law in Florida that there was no right to contribution...more

Key Questions to Consider in Light of Operation Rubicon’s Investigation into Insurance Fraud in South Florida

Law enforcement in Miami-Dade County, Florida recently arrested nine individuals described by Florida Chief Financial Officer Jimmy Patronis as the “ringleaders of an elaborate fraud scheme” led by Barbara Maria Diaz de...more

Florida’s “Assignment of Benefits” Bill: A Guide Through the New Statutory Framework

This week, after 7 years of failed efforts, the Florida Legislature passed a meaningful Assignment of Benefits (“AOB”) reform bill. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis announced yesterday that he would sign the legislation...more

Eleventh Circuit Holds Attorneys’ Fees Are Not Warranted Where Policyholder Filed Suit Instead of Undergoing Appraisal

The Eleventh Circuit, in J.P.F.D. Investment Corp. v. United Specialty Insurance Co., recently affirmed a district court’s denial of statutory attorneys’ fees to a policyholder that, to resolve a disagreement over the amount...more

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