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Sweeping AI Executive Order Has Labor Implications for Employers

Seyfarth Synopsis: On October 30, 2023, the Biden Administration issued a sweeping order on artificial intelligence. Among its numerous provisions, the Order touches on several issues of interest to employers. For employers...more

Is Arbitration the Answer: Vaccination Arbitration?

We have written a lot about the pluses and minuses of requiring arbitration of employment disputes. The arithmetic is complicated and employers come to different sums....more

Massachusetts Governor Signs Extension Of COVID-19 Emergency Paid Sick Leave Law

On September 29, 2021, Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker signed an extension of the Massachusetts COVID-19 Emergency Paid Sick Leave Law, which was set to expire September 30, 2021, and expanded slightly the reasons for...more

Paid Leave and Coronavirus — Part 32: Massachusetts Governor Signs Extension Of COVID-19 Emergency Paid Sick Leave Law

On September 29, 2021, Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker signed an extension of the Massachusetts COVID-19 Emergency Paid Sick Leave Law, which was set to expire September 30, 2021, and expanded slightly the reasons for...more

Is Arbitration the Answer: Can Companies Win Summary Judgment In Arbitration?

In comparing arbitration to litigation, it would be misleading to compare the time, cost and risk of resolving a case at an arbitration hearing to the time, cost and risk of resolving a case at trial. After all, in most...more

Massachusetts To End Most COVID-19 Restrictions By May 29 and Lift State Of Emergency On June 15

Seyfarth Synopsis: Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker announced today that the Commonwealth will end most COVID-19 restrictions by May 29.  Some industries, including health care, schools, and the transportation sectors,...more

Massachusetts Signals End-Date To COVID-19 Restrictions

Seyfarth Synopsis: On April 27, 2021, Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker announced that between April 30 and August 1, 2021, the Commonwealth will advance through the final stages of the COVID-19 reopening plan. Subject to...more

Paid Leave and Coronavirus — Part 26: Massachusetts Closing in on COVID-19 Paid Sick Leave Mandate

Seyfarth Synopsis: On April 1, 2021, Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker signed a new law that, among other issues, addresses the solvency of the Commonwealth’s unemployment compensation fund by imposing an excise on wages...more

Massachusetts Governor Signs COVID-19 Relief Bill Addressing Unemployment Insurance Relief But Vetoes Portion Providing COVID-19...

Seyfarth Synopsis: On April 1, 2021, Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker signed a new law that, among other issues, addresses the solvency of the Commonwealth’s unemployment compensation fund by imposing an excise on wages...more

Is Arbitration The Answer: What About Mass Arbitration?

In recent years, a new factor has entered the equation for employers considering employee arbitration programs:  mass arbitration....more

Massachusetts Issues Updated Guidance For March 22nd Transition To Reopening Phase IV, Step One

Seyfarth Synopsis: The Massachusetts Executive Office of Housing and Economic Development has issued updated guidance for Massachusetts industries for the reopening order’s Phase IV, Step One transition. The updated guidance...more

Massachusetts Announces Transition To Next Phases of COVID-19 Reopening Plan

Seyfarth Synopsis: On February 25, 2021, Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker announced that Massachusetts will advance to Phase Three, Step Two of the Reopening Plan on March 1, 2021. Governor Baker also announced that...more

Do Employment Arbitration Programs Reduce Legal Costs?

We continue our series examining whether an employment arbitration program can help minimize legal risks from COVID-19 and beyond by considering another question employers should ask when deciding whether to adopt an...more

Are Arbitration Agreements Fair and Consistent With Company Culture? A Series on Arbitration Agreements

Seyfarth Synopsis: This series (Is Arbitration the Answer? and Can Arbitration Agreements Protect Employers Against Class Actions?) examines whether an employee arbitration program can help minimize legal risks from COVID-19...more

Are Arbitration Agreements Fair and Consistent With Company Culture?

This series (Is Arbitration the Answer? and Can Arbitration Agreements Protect Employers Against Class Actions?) examines whether an employee arbitration program can help minimize legal risks from COVID-19 and beyond....more

Can Arbitration Agreements Protect Employers Against Class Actions?

This series examines whether an employee arbitration program can help minimize legal risks from COVID-19 and beyond. For many employers, an important reason for rolling out arbitration is a desire to avoid class and...more

Is Arbitration the Answer?

Most employers have seen the forecasts.  The waves of employees let go in the COVID crisis will file a surge of employment claims.  Worse, plaintiffs’ lawyers will scrutinize the many changes required by the pandemic and...more

Massachusetts Increases COVID-19 Restrictions on Businesses and Reverts to Phase III, Step 1 of Reopening Plan

Seyfarth Synopsis: In response to increasing COVID-19 cases in Massachusetts, Governor Charlie Baker issued COVID-19 Orders Nos. 57 and 58, which will return the Commonwealth to Step 1 of Phase 3 of its reopening plan....more

Massachusetts Issues New COVID-19 Restrictions Affecting Employers and Individuals

Seyfarth Synopsis: Governor Baker and the Massachusetts Department of Public Health have issued new restrictions on Massachusetts residents and businesses.  The restrictions include a Stay-At-Home Advisory, an Order Requiring...more

Massachusetts Publishes Updated Reopening Guidance for Step 2 of Phase 3

Seyfarth Synopsis: On September 29, Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker issued an Executive Order outlining the process for “lower risk communities” to advance to Step Two of Phase Three of the Commonwealth’s reopening plan....more

Massachusetts Restricts Gatherings And Service Of Alcohol At Restaurants In Response To Uptick In COVID-19 Cases

Seyfarth Synopsis:  In response to a rise in COVID-19 cases, including those associated with large social gatherings, Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker has issued a new order limiting outdoor gatherings to 50 people and...more

Updated Massachusetts Guidance Clarifies Lodging Providers’ Responsibility For Ensuring Guest Compliance With Travel Order

Seyfarth Synopsis: As we previously reported, on July 24, Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker issued an Executive Order announcing a $500 daily civil fine, effective August 1, for individuals traveling into the Commonwealth...more

Massachusetts Department Of Public Health Issues Guidance For Travelers Subject To Mandatory Self-Quarantine

On Friday, July 24, Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker issued an Executive Order announcing a $500 daily civil fine, effective August 1, for individuals traveling into the Commonwealth who fail to comply with the State’s...more

Stay In or Pay Up: Massachusetts Governor Announces $500 Daily Penalty For Travel Order Violations

Last week, Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker announced an updated Executive Order imposing restrictions on travelers to the Commonwealth, effective August 1. ...more

Massachusetts Reopening Guidance Updated For Several Sectors

Seyfarth Synopsis: As Massachusetts has entered Step 1 of Phase 3, the Commonwealth has updated its reopening guidance for several sectors, including office spaces, lodging providers, laboratories, restaurants, manufacturing,...more

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