3 Key Takeaways | What Corporate Counsel Need to Know About Patent Damages
Working to End Child Abuse with Kathryn Robb, Executive Director of ChildUSAdvocacy: On Record PR
Law Brief®: Rich Schoenstein and New York State Senator Luis Sepúlveda Discuss The Chief Judge Controversy
Trade Secret / Restrictive Covenant 2022 Year In Review (Fairly Competing, Episode 19)
Catching up with AIPLA Presidents and Executive Director about Trade Secrets (Fairly Competing, Episode 18)
The Labor Law Insider: NLRB Adopts Pro-Labor Remedies for Alleged Unfair Labor Practices, Part III
The Labor Law Insider: NLRB Adopts Pro-Labor Remedies for Alleged Unfair Labor Practices, Part II
The Labor Law Insider: NLRB Adopts Pro-Labor Remedies for Alleged Unfair Labor Practices
Law Brief®: Rich Schoenstein Discusses Depp v. Heard Verdict
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A Texas Legislative Postmortem | Jerry Bullard | Texas Appellate Law Podcast
JONES DAY TALKS®: Consumer Protection Enforcement Changes Likely After SCOTUS AMG Decision
What to do When Your Business Has Been Sued
Episode 198 -- The Biden Administration Announces Anti-Corruption Battle as a National Security Interest
Key Takeaways from the AMG Capital Management v. FTC Decision
On-Demand Webinar | Impacts of COVID-19 on Litigation Economic Damages
The Dangers of Untimely Filings – What Employers Need to Know
JONES DAY TALKS®: Women in IP: 2020 in Review and a Look Toward 2021
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KT Sound Bytes Episode 1 | The Effects of the Supreme Court Decision in Liu v. SEC
The Rules Governing the Courts of the State of New Jersey were amended effective September 1, 2024, after being approved by the Supreme Court of New Jersey earlier this year....more
On September 4, 2024, Judge John Murphy of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania dismissed on jurisdictional grounds the first post-Jarkesy constitutional challenge to FINRA’s disciplinary...more
On September 5, 2024, the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court (“SJC”) ruled in Patel v. 7-Eleven that 7-Eleven franchisees are not employees of the franchisor under the independent contractor statute. The SJC looked beyond...more
Florida Supreme Court - Tallahassee - Sexton v. State - capital case, direct appeal - In re Fla R Mediators - amended rules - In re Fla R Juv P - amended rules...more
A federal court in Michigan has granted a franchisor’s motion for preliminary injunction against former franchisees for violating the franchise agreements’ post-termination noncompete provisions. 1-800 Water Damage Int’l LLC...more
At least two private civil lawsuits have been filed against Asante Rogue Regional Medical Center in Medford, Oregon, in connection with a fentanyl diversion and related indictment of a former nurse. A wrongful death suit...more
USA v. Wall - competency, RICO, trafficking, evidence, instructions, sentencing... Steines v. Westgate Palace - arbitration, Military Lending Act... USA v. Deleon - sentencing, physically restrained... USA v....more
The U.S. government’s recent complaint in a relator-filed case under the False Claims Act (FCA): - Marks the first FCA suit in which the Department of Justice (DOJ) has intervened since launching its ongoing Civil...more
The High Court has upheld a decision to refuse to grant specific performance in respect of a non-payment default under an oral cryptocurrency loan agreement, but questioned whether damages should be calculated from the date...more
U.S. Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals USA v. Schwarzbaum - IRS, penalties ECB v. Chubb - insurance, policy interpretation, financial institution Boyd v. DOC - postconviction relief Eknes-Tucker v. Ala Gov - en...more
In Davis v. Blast Properties, Inc., the Idaho Supreme Court clarified the standard trial courts should apply when deciding whether to grant a party leave to seek punitive damages. The Court held that trial courts are not...more
During the dog days of August, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) brought two complaints against auto companies involving alleged deceptive and discriminatory price advertising....more
In 2021, the U.S. Supreme Court held unanimously in AMG Capital Management, LLC v. Federal Trade Commission that the Federal Trade Commission is not entitled to consumer redress in cases brought under Section 13(b) of the FTC...more
The Southern District of New York vacates nearly $200 million in damages after remand from Second Circuit - On March 13, 2024, in Syntel Sterling Best Shores Mauritius Ltd. v. The TriZetto Group Inc., the Federal District...more
California AG Rob Bonta settled with StubHub, Inc., to resolve allegations that it failed to pay refunds for canceled events during the COVID-19 pandemic in violation of state consumer protection law. According to the...more
Find this week’s updates on 340B litigation to help you stay in the know on how 340B cases are developing across the country. Each week we comb through the dockets of more than 50 340B cases to provide you with a quick...more
An appeals court has issued an insightful decision on the availability of damages when an involuntary bankruptcy petition is filed in bad faith. See Stursberg v. Morrison Sund PLLC, No. 23-1186, 2024 U.S. App. LEXIS 20286...more
Newcomers to probate litigation are frequently surprised by how differently things work in probate court, as opposed to your more straightforward civil courts. (And how do those newcomers know how civil courts work? Law &...more
If Sisyphus were a judge, he’d be assigned the Fuks case. Fuks began on December 26, 1996. Fire up your mental time machine, travel back in time, and picture what was going on in your life those many years ago....more
Lange v. Houston Cnty - en banc vote vacating this decision, health insurance, gender - Calderon v. Sixt - car rental, contract breach, FDUTPA - USA v. Bell - mail fraud, wire fraud, false statements, evidence,...more
In two companion appeals relating to patents over television interactive programming guides, the Federal Court of Appeal clarified that a successful patent plaintiff is entitled to an accounting of the defendant’s profits...more
The California Supreme Court just ruled that public employers are not subject to civil penalties under the state’s Private Attorneys General Act of 2004 (PAGA). In a pivotal decision, the court held that public entities,...more
In case you missed it, this post recaps some key False Claims Act (FCA) decisions and case updates from the second quarter of this year. Courts weighed in on the FCA’s anti-retaliation provision, its first-to-file bar, and...more
Yesterday, a Texas Federal Court permanently blocked the Federal Trade Commission's attempt to ban noncompete agreements. In doing so, the Texas Court determined that the Rule exceeded the FTC’s authority and, as such, was an...more
On August 20, 2024, the federal U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas set aside the FTC’s rule (Rule) banning non-competes. The Rule was set to take effect on September 4, 2024....more