Joseph Simons Sworn in as Chairman of the FTC

Joseph Simons was sworn in on May 1 as Chairman of the Federal Trade Commission. President Donald J. Trump named Simons, a Republican, to a term on the Commission that expires September 25, 2024, and designated him as Chairman.

FDA Unveils Plan for ‘Software as a Medical Device’ Review

Per, “The Food and Drug Administration is proposing to pre-certify vendors of certain medical device software, including various mobile apps, allowing the companies to skip the agency’s much more rigorous pre-market approval process for hardware-based medical devices. The proposed voluntary program is for review of ‘software-as-a-medical-device’ products, or SaMD – software that is ‘intended to treat, diagnose, cure, mitigate or prevent disease or other conditions.’ Today, such software faces the same regulatory review as medical device hardware.”

The Golden State Killer Is Tracked Through a Thicket of DNA, and Experts Shudder

“Even as scientific experts applauded this week’s arrest of the Golden State Killer suspect, Joseph James DeAngelo, 72,” reports the New York Times, “some expressed unease on Friday at reports that detectives in California had used a public genealogy database to identify him. Privacy and ethical issues glossed over in the public’s rush to embrace DNA databases are now glaringly apparent, they said.”

Suggested Read:

The Digital Vigilantes Who Hack Back

“American companies that fall victim to data breaches want to retaliate against the culprits. But can they do so without breaking the law?” The New Yorker investigates.