#WorkforceWednesday: The Union-Friendly Biden NLRB, California's FAST Act, and Pay Transparency in California - Employment Law This Week®

Epstein Becker & Green
This week, we look at labor law and pay developments from the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) and in California.

NLRB Continues Union-Friendly Direction

Two recent actions from the NLRB show a continued pro-employee push. The agency took on dress code policies at the end of last month and published its broad proposed joint-employer rule last week.

California Passes FAST Act

California’s Governor Newsom See more +

This week, we look at labor law and pay developments from the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) and in California.

NLRB Continues Union-Friendly Direction

Two recent actions from the NLRB show a continued pro-employee push. The agency took on dress code policies at the end of last month and published its broad proposed joint-employer rule last week.

California Passes FAST Act

California’s Governor Newsom celebrated Labor Day by signing the controversial Fast Food Accountability and Standards Recovery, or FAST, Act into law.

Pay Transparency in California

Also in California, the state legislature passed a bill dramatically increasing pay transparency regulation.

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Employment Law This Week® gives a rundown of the top developments in employment and labor law and workforce management in a matter of minutes every #WorkforceWednesday.

For related reading, the podcast edition, and more news, visit https://www.ebglaw.com/eltw270 See less -


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