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COVID-19 Economic Crisis: Impending Sovereign Bond Disputes and the International Investment Protection System

The culmination of the economic effects resulting from COVID-19 has put significant pressure on the debt obligations of countries around the world, many of which were already facing debt struggles before the crisis. As of...more

COVID-19: Preparing for and Managing Disputes in the Hospitality Sector

The COVID-19 pandemic, and the travel restrictions imposed in response, are already having a severe impact on the hospitality industry... In this briefing, we address key commercial disputes that could arise out of the crisis...more

The Consequences of the Coronavirus on Contract Performance and the Resolution of Disputes

Business operations, supply chains and the resolution of international disputes have experienced significant disruption as a result of the outbreak of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and actions taken by governments and...more

Updated HKIAC Arbitration Rules Seek to Save Time and Costs

The Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC) recently released a new version of the HKIAC Administered Arbitration Rules, effective November 1, 2018. The new version updates the 2013 HKIAC Administered Arbitration...more

USMCA Scales Back on Investor-State Arbitration but Preserves Trade Dispute Resolution in North America

The United States, Canada and Mexico on September 30 announced the framework for a new, revised trade agreement to replace NAFTA, called the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (the “USMCA”)....more

Resolving Cross-Border Disputes Post-Brexit: UK Position Paper

Businesses and consumers need certainty over the laws that underpin trading across the borders of the EU and the millions of contracts they make each day which currently benefit from the legal certainty membership of the EU...more

The EU succeeds in establishing a permanent investment court in its trade treaties with Canada and Vietnam

The European Commission has recently successfully negotiated a new trade pact with Canada (referred to as the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement or ‘CETA’) and one with Vietnam (the ‘EU-Vietnam FTA’) which...more

The Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement (TPP), which promises significant trade liberalization and investment protection, is...

After 10 years of negotiations, trade ministers from 12 Pacific Rim countries representing 40% of the world’s economy and one-third of global trade have reached a trade agreement, referred to as the Trans-Pacific Partnership...more

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