• The outlook for tax reform in 2013, and how it could affect the clean energy industry
  • A close look at public-private financing mechanisms
  • A discussion of the American Tax Relief Act of 2012 (a.k.a. “fiscal cliff tax deal”), and how it affects clean energy companies
  • The status of clean energy tax provisions, such as the Energy Production Tax Credit (Section 48) and the Renewable Electricity Production Tax Credit (Section 45)
  • How Master Limited Partnerships (MLPs) and Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) could inject low-cost capital into the clean energy industry

Moderated by Peter Rothstein, NECEC President, the panel will include Dustin Stamper, Director of the Washington National Tax Office at Grant Thornton, Craig Diamond, Executive Director at Connecticut Clean Energy Finance Center, Eric Graber-Lopez, Partner at BlueWave Capital, Javier Salinas, Senior Manager International Tax Services at Grant Thornton, and Jordan Collins, Director of Government Relations at ML Strategies.

For more details about this event, please visit the New England Clean Energy Council.