Many high-net-worth individuals and families use a private trust company (PTC) when looking to structure their family wealth. Given that settlors of trusts are sometimes reluctant to relinquish control over the assets...more
/ Board of Directors ,
Cayman Islands ,
Companies Act ,
Corporate Management ,
Corporate Structures ,
Philanthropy ,
Private Foundations ,
Private Trust Companies ,
Regulatory Requirements ,
Shareholders ,
Trustees ,
Trusts ,
Wealth Management
STAR Trusts are a form of trust that is exclusive to the Cayman Islands (Cayman), and which have a wide variety of practical applications. The unique features of a STAR Trust provide clients with structuring options that are...more
/ Beneficiaries ,
Cayman Islands ,
Commercial Use ,
Duration of Status ,
Duty of Confidentiality ,
Enforcement ,
Family Businesses ,
Initial Public Offering (IPO) ,
Jurisdiction ,
Philanthropy ,
Special Purpose Acquisition Companies (SPACs) ,
Trustees ,
Robert Lindley and Wesley O’Brien provide a step-by-step guide to dealing with missing or uncooperative beneficiaries -
It will be important for the trustee to be capable of demonstrating that it has made sufficient...more
Offshore: What is appropriate?
Robert Lindley and Wesley O’Brien discuss cases where offshore family courts act as auxiliaries to those onshore -
Generally, for a foreign judgment to be capable of enforcement in an...more
/ Beneficiaries ,
Cayman Islands ,
Divorce ,
Family Law Courts ,
Foreign Judgments ,
Foreign Jurisdictions ,
International Litigation ,
Joinder ,
Jurisdiction ,
Trust Deeds ,
Trustees ,
Trusts ,