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To-Go Alcohol Becomes Permanent in Several States

In an effort to alleviate the financial burden on bars and restaurants caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, more than 30 states temporarily modified their laws to allow the sale of “to-go” alcoholic beverages. These temporary...more

U.S. – COVID-19 – Liability Waivers Related to COVID-19

Liability waivers can generally be a very effective tool for avoiding personal injury lawsuits and potential liability in connection with COVID-19 damages.  However, liability waivers for pandemics, and specifically for...more

U.S. Liability Considerations for Product Manufacturers Shifting Production to New Products to Assist in Pandemic Response

An issue of concern for some manufacturers during the COVID-19 outbreak is the issue of potential liability in a product liability lawsuit if they switch their manufacturing process to produce items they don’t normally...more

Missouri Alcohol Retailers no longer Tongue-Tied by Tied-House Restrictions on Advertising

Missouri tied-house law, which restricts dealings between suppliers, wholesalers and retailers, is currently in flux following a recent ruling by the US District Court for the Western District, which held that several of...more

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