The China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC) approved a new set of arbitration rules effective on January 1, 2015.  The 2015 CIETAC Rules include a number of important updates and revisions that bring CIETAC arbitration proceedings closer in line with international arbitration practices. The revisions include the following:

  • Establishment of an Arbitration Court to take over case management role from CIETAC’s Secretariat (Article 2)
  • “Notarized service” considered “deemed service” (Article 8)
  • Use of single arbitration under multiple contracts (Article 14)
  • Joinder of third parties (Article 18)
  • Provisions providing for compulsory consolidation of cases (Article 19)
  • Presiding arbitrator’s right to decide on procedural matters alone (Article 35)
  • Summary procedure amount in controversy raised from RMB 2 million ($325,000) to RMB 5 million (US$810,000) (Article 56)
  • Addition of special provisions for Hong Kong arbitration matters including a special fee schedule (Articles 73-80)
  • Arbitrator compensation to allow for deposits for international arbitrators (Article 82)