COVID-19: California County Directives and Mandates - January 2021

Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLP

Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLP

** On Thursday, December 3, 2020, California Governor Gavin Newsom announced the release of a new regional Stay-at-Home Order in response to increases in rates of new COVID-19 infections, hospitalizations and deaths across the state. The Order will be implemented on a five-region basis (Northern California, Bay Area, Greater Sacramento, San Joaquin Valley and Southern California). When a given region falls below 15% of its remaining ICU bed capacity, the Order’s restrictions are to go into effect 24 hours after that assessment. The state’s restrictions will remain in place for at least three weeks and will not be lifted until the California Department of Public Health’s four-week projection of the region’s total available adult ICU bed capacity is greater than or equal to 15%. As with prior statewide orders, counties may have more restrictive local regulations but may not be more permissive than the state. The Order went into effect on December 5, 2020 at 12:59pm PST. In addition, several counties have voluntarily put the new restrictions in place, although they have not yet met the 15% ICU capacity threshold. These counties are indicated below.**

On Friday, August 28, 2020, California Governor Gavin Newsom unveiled a new and simpler four-tiered classification system, the Blueprint for a Safer Economy, to evaluate regional and business-sector health risk and to guide counties as they reopen businesses closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Businesses across the state have largely been closed since the Governor issued the first Stay-at-Home Order on March 19, 2020, and additional restrictions were put in place in July. Prior to August 28, the state was tracking counties’ COVID-19 metrics via a Monitoring List, with counties on the list subject to additional restrictions. That list has now been replaced with the four-tiered Blueprint. Counties in California are now subject to a streamlined set of restrictions based on the tier into which they fall, which is determined by case counts per 100,000 residents and test positivity rates. More information on the Blueprint is available here.

Per the state’s Limited Stay At Home Order issued on Thursday, November 19, 2020, counties in Tier 1 are subject to a mandatory curfew between 10:00 pm and 5:00 am. This Order took effect on November 21, 2020, and will remain in effect until 5:00 am on Monday, December 21, 2020, unless extended or revised.

The chart below provides an overview of the major restrictions that apply to counties in each tier. The full chart from the state is available here. Note that counties can put in place additional restrictions on top of the state’s baseline. The table below lists the current tier for each county as well as any applicable additional restrictions, based on county Health Officer Orders.

--> Scroll to see full table data

Blueprint for a Safer Economy

Sector Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4
Retail Open indoors with modifications - 25% capacity Open indoors with modifications - 50% capacity Open indoors with modifications Open indoors with modifications
Hair Salons & Barbershops Open indoors with modifications Open indoors with modifications Open indoors with modifications Open indoors with modifications
Personal Care Services Outdoors only with modifications Open indoors with modifications Open indoors with modifications Open indoors with modifications
Offices Remote Remote Open indoors with modifications, encourage remote working Open indoors with modifications, encourage remote working
Hotels & Lodging Open with modifications Open with modifications - fitness centers 10% capacity Open with modifications - fitness centers 25% capacity, indoor pools open Open with modifications - fitness centers 50% capacity, spas open
Gyms & Fitness Centers Outdoors only with modifications Open indoors with modifications - 10% capacity Open indoors with modifications - 25% capacity, indoor pools Open indoors with modifications - 50% capacity, spas open
Restaurants Outdoors only with modifications Open indoors with modifications Open indoors with modifications - 25% capacity or 100 people, whichever is less Open indoors with modifications - 50% capacity
Bars Closed Closed Outdoors only with modifications Outdoors only with modifications - 50% capacity
Places of Worship Outdoors only with modifications Open indoors with modifications - 25% capacity or 100 people, whichever is less Open indoors with modifications - 50% capacity or 200 people, whichever is less Open indoors modifications - 50% capacity

--> Scroll to see full table data

California County Stay-At-Home Orders and Reopening Plans

County COVID-19 Landing Page Stay-at-Home Orders County Reopening Plans Current Tier Additional Restrictions Testing Guidance
Alameda County Landing Page Stay-at-Home Order Recovery Resources

State Stay-at-Home Order in effect for this County

Tier 1: Widespread risk

Outdoor dining no longer permitted; pick-up and delivery only.

No variance; compliance with County-specific health protocols required; Check county reopening plan for specific details. Permitted as of June 19:

  • Retail
  • Outdoor museums
  • Religious & cultural ceremonies
  • Outdoor fitness
  • Summer schools

Available here

Alpine County Landing Page Following Governor Newsom: Stay-at-Home Executive Order Reopening Plan Tier 2: Substantial risk


Amador County Landing Page Following Governor Newsom: Stay-at-Home Executive Order Reopening Guidance Tier 1: Widespread risk

Indoor activities ordered closed as of August 20:

  • Dining
  • Bars & wineries
  • Movie theaters
  • Zoos & museums
  • Cardrooms


Butte County Landing Page Following Governor Newsom: Stay-at-Home Executive Order Reopening Plan Tier 1: Widespread risk

Indoor activities ordered closed:

  • Dining
  • Bars & wineries
  • Movie theaters
  • Zoos & museums
  • Cardrooms

Available here

Calaveras County Landing Page Following Governor Newsom: County Order Rescinded Reopening Plan

State Stay-at-Home Order in effect for this County

Tier 1: Widespread risk

Indoor activities ordered closed as of August 20:

  • Dining
  • Bars & wineries
  • Movie theaters
  • Zoos & museums
  • Cardrooms


Colusa County Landing Page Stay-at-Home Order Reopening Order Tier 1: Widespread risk

Indoor activities ordered closed:

  • Dining
  • Bars & wineries
  • Movie theaters
  • Zoos & museums
  • Cardrooms


Contra Costa County Landing Page Stay-at-Home Order Reopening Plan

State Stay-at-Home Order in effect for this County

Tier 1: Widespread risk

Indoor religious services prohibited.

Indoor restaurants closed.

Bars also closed.

As of Friday, August 28, 2020, personal care services such as nail salons
and massage services, as well as gyms are permitted to reopen for outdoor
business. Hotels and short-term rentals also permitted to reopen for personal travel.


Del Norte County Landing Page Following Governor Newsom: Stay-at-Home Executive Order Reopening Plan Tier 1: Widespread risk


El Dorado County Landing Page Stay-at-Home Order Reopening Guidance Tier 1: Widespread risk


Fresno County Landing Page Stay-at-Home Order Reopening Guidance

State Stay-at-Home Order in effect for this County

Tier 1: Widespread risk

Indoor activities ordered closed:

  • Dining
  • Bars & wineries
  • Movie theaters
  • Zoos & museums
  • Cardrooms


Glenn County Landing Page Following Governor Newsom: Stay-at-Home Executive Order Reopening Plan Tier 1: Widespread risk

Indoor activities ordered closed:

  • Dining
  • Bars & wineries
  • Movie theaters
  • Zoos & museums
  • Cardrooms


Humboldt County Landing Page Stay-at-Home Order Reopening Tool Tier 2: Substantial risk

Available here

Imperial County Landing Page Stay-at-Home Order Reopening Guidance and Updated Order

State Stay-at-Home Order in effect for this County

Tier 1: Widespread risk

Stay at Home Order reissued; all non-essential businesses closed.

Bars ordered closed.

Indoor restaurants closed.

Available here

Inyo County Landing Page Following Governor Newsom: Stay-at-Home Executive Order Reopening Guidance

State Stay-at-Home Order in effect for this County

Tier 1: Widespread risk

Indoor activities ordered closed as of August 20:

  • Dining
  • Bars & wineries
  • Movie theaters
  • Zoos & museums
  • Cardrooms

Available here

Kern County Landing Page Following Governor Newsom: Stay-at-Home Executive Order Reopening Guidance

State Stay-at-Home Order in effect for this County

Tier 1: Widespread risk

Indoor activities ordered closed:

  • Dining
  • Bars & wineries
  • Movie theaters
  • Zoos & museums
  • Cardrooms


Kings County Landing Page Following Governor Newsom: Stay-at-Home Executive Order Reopening Plan

State Stay-at-Home Order in effect for this County

Tier 1: Widespread risk

Indoor activities ordered closed:

  • Dining
  • Bars & wineries
  • Movie theaters
  • Zoos & museums
  • Cardrooms


Lake County Landing Page Stay-at-Home Order Reopening Plan Tier 1: Widespread risk


Lassen County Landing Page Following Governor Newsom: Stay-at-Home Executive Order Reopening Plan Tier 1: Widespread risk


Los Angeles County Landing Page Stay-at-Home Order Reopening Plan

State Stay-at-Home Order in effect for this County

Tier 1: Widespread risk

Los Angeles County Adds New Restrictions

On Wednesday, November 25, 2020, the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health announced the County hit a previously-set five-day average of 4,500 new cases per day, triggering new restrictions. As discussed below, the new Safer-at-Home Health Officer Order adds several new restrictions effective Monday, November 30, 2020. The new restrictions will remain in effect until December 21, 2020, unless extended.

Public and Private Gatherings

All public and private gatherings with individuals not in your household are prohibited, except for church services and protests, which are constitutionally protected rights.

Commercial Establishments

The County imposed occupancy limits at various businesses, including the following:

Commercial Establishment

Maximum Occupancy

Essential retail

35% maximum occupancy

Non-essential retail (includes indoor malls)

20% maximum occupancy



Personal care services

20% maximum occupancy


20% maximum occupancy

Fitness centers operating outdoors

50% maximum occupancy

Museums galleries, zoos, aquariums, botanical gardens operating outdoors

50% maximum occupancy

Mini-golf, batting cages, go-kart racing operating outdoors

50% maximum occupancy

--> Scroll to see full table data

In addition (as noted in last week’s update) restaurants, bars, breweries and wineries remain closed for in-person service, although pick-up and delivery remain permitted. Breweries and wineries remain open for retail sales at 20% occupancy.

All individuals at these sites are required to wear face coverings and keep at least 6 feet of distance.

Commercial establishments remain subject to the statewide curfew for Tier 1 counties, meaning businesses must close between 10:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m.

Music, Television and Film

Music, television and film production may continue, in compliance with the Health Officer Order, Appendix J as last updated on August 18, 2020.

Outdoor Recreation

Most recreation activity sites remain open, but face coverings are required. In addition, the County imposed new distancing requirements:

  • Beaches, trails, and parks remain open, but gatherings at these sites with members outside of a single household are prohibited.
  • Golf courses, tennis courts, pickleball, archery ranges, skate parks, bike parks, and community gardens remain open for individuals or members of a single household. Pools that serve more than one household may open only for regulated lap swimming with one person per lane and swimmers are not subject to the mask mandate while swimming.
  • Drive-in movies/events/car parades are permitted provided occupants in each car are members of one household.


All K-12 schools and day camps remain open and subject to re-opening protocols. K-12 schools and day camps with an outbreak (3 cases or more over 14 days) must close for 14 days.

Institutes of Higher Education remain closed for all non-essential instruction, although on-campus activities are permitted as necessary for distance learning, “essential research projects,” education and training for essential workforce activities, and activities related to state or County COVID-19 response.

Available here

Madera County Landing Page Following Governor Newsom: Stay-at-Home Executive Order Reopening Plan

State Stay-at-Home Order in effect for this County

Tier 1: Widespread risk

Indoor activities ordered closed:

  • Dining
  • Bars & wineries
  • Movie theaters
  • Zoos & museums
  • Cardrooms

Available here

Marin County Landing Page Stay-at-Home Order Reopening Plan

State Stay-at-Home Order in effect for this County

Tier 1: Widespread risk

Additional reopenings planned for June 29 postponed, including:

  • Indoor Dining
  • Hair Salons, Barbershops, and Nail Salons
  • Gyms & Fitness Studios
  • Hotels, Motels, Hospitality, Short Term Rentals (leisure and tourism activity)
  • Camp grounds, RV Parks, and Picnic areas
  • Outdoor based vehicle gatherings

Indoor activities ordered closed:

  • Dining,
  • Bars & wineries
  • Movie theaters
  • Zoos & museums
  • Cardrooms

Available here

Mariposa County Landing Page Following Governor Newsom: Stay-at-Home Executive Order Reopening Plan

State Stay-at-Home Order in effect for this County

Tier 2: Substantial risk


Mendocino County Landing Page Stay-at-Home Order Reopening Plan Tier 1: Widespread risk

Indoor activities ordered closed as of August 20:

  • Dining
  • Bars & wineries
  • Movie theaters
  • Zoos & museums
  • Cardrooms

Available here

Merced County Landing Page Stay-at-Home Order Reopening Resources

State Stay-at-Home Order in effect for this County

Tier 1: Widespread risk

Indoor activities ordered closed:

  • Dining
  • Bars & wineries
  • Movie theaters
  • Zoos & museums
  • Cardrooms


Modoc County Landing Page Following Governor Newsom: Stay-at-Home Executive Order Tier 1: Widespread risk


Mono County Landing Page Following Governor Newsom: Stay-at-Home Executive Order Reopening Plan

State Stay-at-Home Order in effect for this County

Tier 1: Widespread risk

Indoor activities ordered closed:

  • Dining
  • Bars & wineries
  • Movie theaters
  • Zoos & museums
  • Cardrooms


Monterey County Landing Page Stay-at-Home Order Reopening Plan

State Stay-at-Home Order in effect for this County

Tier 1: Widespread risk

Indoor activities ordered closed:

  • Dining
  • Bars & wineries
  • Movie theaters
  • Zoos & museums
  • Cardrooms

Available here

Napa County Landing Page Stay-at-Home Order Reopening Plan State Stay-at-Home Order in effect for this County
Tier 1: Widespread risk

Indoor activities ordered closed:

  • Dining
  • Bars & wineries
  • Movie theaters
  • Zoos & museums
  • Cardrooms

Available here

Nevada County Landing Page Stay-at-Home Order Reopening Plan Tier 1: Widespread risk

Available here

Orange County Landing Page Following Governor Newsom: Stay-at-Home Executive Order Reopening Resources

State Stay-at-Home Order in effect for this County

Tier 1: Widespread risk

Indoor activities ordered closed:

  • Dining
  • Bars & wineries
  • Movie theaters
  • Zoos & museums
  • Cardrooms

Available here

Placer County Landing Page Following Governor Newsom: Stay-at-Home Executive Order Reopening Plan Tier 1: Widespread risk

The following business sectors ordered closed:

In addition, all brewpubs, breweries, bars, and pubs would need to close,
both indoors and outdoors, unless they offer sit down, dine-in meals.


Plumas County Landing Page Following Governor Newsom: Stay-at-Home Executive Order Reopening Plan Tier 1: Widespread risk


Riverside County Landing Page Following Governor Newsom: Stay-at-Home Executive Order Reopening Plan

State Stay-at-Home Order in effect for this County

Tier 1: Widespread risk

Indoor activities ordered closed:

  • Dining
  • Bars & wineries
  • Movie theaters
  • Zoos & museums
  • Cardrooms


Sacramento County Landing Page Stay-at-Home Order Reopening Plan Tier 1: Widespread risk

Indoor activities ordered closed:

  • Dining
  • Bars & wineries
  • Movie theaters
  • Zoos & museums
  • Cardrooms


San Benito County Landing Page Following Governor Newsom: Stay-at-Home Executive Order Reopening Guidance

State Stay-at-Home Order in effect for this County

Tier 1: Widespread risk

Indoor activities ordered closed:

  • Dining
  • Bars & wineries
  • Movie theaters
  • Zoos & museums
  • Cardrooms


San Bernardino County Landing Page Following Governor Newsom: Stay-at-Home Executive Order Reopening Plan

State Stay-at-Home Order in effect for this County

Tier 1: Widespread risk

Bars recommended closed.

Indoor restaurants closed.


San Diego County Landing Page Stay-at-Home Order Reopening Plan

State Stay-at-Home Order in effect for this County

Tier 1: Widespread risk

Indoor activities ordered closed:

  • Dining
  • Bars & wineries
  • Movie theaters
  • Zoos & museums
  • Cardrooms

Available here

San Francisco City and County Landing Page Stay-at-Home Order Reopening Plan

State Stay-at-Home Order in effect for this County

Tier 1: Widespread risk

San Francisco (additional restrictions):

  • Indoor dining closed
  • More family entertainment, outdoors (carousels, miniature trains, Ferris wheels)
  • Gyms and fitness centers inside hotels, up to 10% capacity, up to 50 people
  • Indoor malls with increased capacity, up to 50% with an approved safety plan
  • Places of worship, indoors at 25% capacity up to 100 people, outdoors up to 200 people 6 feet apart
  • Political protests, outdoors up to 200 people 6 feet apart
  • Movie theatres limited to 25% capacity and a maximum of 50 people”
  • Indoor high school instruction paused

Please see the County’s updated Stay Home Order site for additional guidance.

Available here

San Joaquin County Landing Page Stay-at-Home Order Reopening Plan

State Stay-at-Home Order in effect for this County

Tier 1: Widespread risk

Bars and indoor activities ordered closed.


San Luis Obispo County Landing Page Following Governor Newsom: Stay-at-Home Executive Order Reopening Plan

State Stay-at-Home Order in effect for this County

Tier 1: Widespread risk

Available here

San Mateo County Landing Page Stay-at-Home Order Reopening Plan State Stay-at-Home Order in effect for this County
Tier 1: Widespread risk

Indoor activities ordered closed:

  • Dining
  • Bars & wineries
  • Movie theaters
  • Zoos & museums
  • Cardrooms


Santa Barbara County Landing Page Stay-at-Home Order Reopening Plan

State Stay-at-Home Order in effect for this County

Tier 1: Widespread risk

Indoor activities ordered closed:

  • Dining
  • Bars & wineries
  • Movie theaters
  • Zoos & museums
  • Cardrooms

Available here

Santa Clara County Landing Page Stay-at-Home Order

State Stay-at-Home Order in effect for this County

Tier 1: Widespread risk

Indoor activities ordered closed:

  • Dining
  • Bars & wineries
  • Movie theaters
  • Zoos & museums
  • Cardrooms


Santa Cruz County Landing Page Stay-at-Home Order Reopening Guidance State Stay-at-Home Order in effect for this County
Tier 1: Widespread risk

Removed from State monitoring list on August 17, 2020. Indoor activities that
remain closed until at least August 31 include:

  • Dining
  • Bars & wineries
  • Movie theaters
  • Zoos & museums
  • Cardrooms


Shasta County Landing Page Following Governor Newsom: Stay-at-Home Executive Order Reopening Plan Tier 1: Widespread risk


Sierra County Landing Page Following Governor Newsom: Stay-at-Home Executive Order Reopening Resources Tier 3: Moderate risk

Indoor activities ordered closed:

  • Dining
  • Bars & wineries
  • Movie theaters
  • Zoos & museums
  • Cardrooms


Siskiyou County Landing Page Following Governor Newsom: Stay-at-Home Executive Order Reopening Plan Tier 1: Widespread risk


Solano County Landing Page Stay-at-Home Order Reopening Plan State Stay-at-Home Order in effect for this County
Tier 1: Widespread risk

Indoor activities ordered closed:

  • Dining
  • Bars & wineries
  • Movie theaters
  • Zoos & museums
  • Cardrooms


Sonoma County Landing Page Stay-at-Home Order Reopening Plan State Stay-at-Home Order in effect for this County
Tier 1: Widespread risk

Indoor activities ordered closed:

  • Dining
  • Bars & wineries
  • Movie theaters
  • Zoos & museums
  • Cardrooms


Stanislaus County Following Governor Newsom: Stay-at-Home Executive Order

State Stay-at-Home Order in effect for this County

Tier 1: Widespread risk

Indoor activities ordered closed:

  • Dining
  • Bars & wineries
  • Movie theaters
  • Zoos & museums
  • Cardrooms


Sutter County Landing Page Following Governor Newsom: Stay-at-Home Executive Order Tier 1: Widespread risk


Tehama County Landing Page Following Governor Newsom: Stay-at-Home Executive Order Reopening Plan Tier 1: Widespread risk


Trinity County Landing Page Following Governor Newsom: Stay-at-Home Executive Order Tier 1: Widespread risk

Indoor activities ordered closed as of August 26:

  • Dining
  • Bars & wineries
  • Movie theaters
  • Zoos & museums
  • Cardrooms


Tulare County Landing Page Following Governor Newsom: Stay-at-Home Executive Order Reopening Plan

State Stay-at-Home Order in effect for this County

Tier 1: Widespread risk

Indoor activities ordered closed:

  • Dining
  • Bars & wineries
  • Movie theaters
  • Zoos & museums
  • Cardrooms


Tuolumne County Landing Page Following Governor Newsom: Stay-at-Home Executive Order Reopening Plan

State Stay-at-Home Order in effect for this County

Tier 1: Widespread risk


Ventura County Landing Page Stay-at-Home Order

State Stay-at-Home Order in effect for this County

Tier 1: Widespread risk

Indoor activities ordered closed:

  • Dining
  • Bars & wineries
  • Movie theaters
  • Zoos & museums
  • Cardrooms


Yolo County Landing Page Following Governor Newsom: County Order Rescinded Reopening Plan

Tier 1: Widespread risk

Group gatherings capped at 16 people maximum

Indoor activities ordered closed:

  • Dining
  • Bars & wineries
  • Movie theaters
  • Zoos & museums
  • Cardrooms


Yuba County Landing Page Following Governor Newsom: Stay-at-Home Executive Order Tier 1: Widespread risk

Indoor activities ordered closed:

  • Dining
  • Bars & wineries
  • Movie theaters
  • Zoos & museums
  • Cardrooms


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Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLP


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