As the weather begins to warm up and the summer holidays approach, now is the time to ensure that your swimming pool is ready for opening day. While a visit to the pool on a July day is a treat many hope to enjoy, operating a pool can come with hazards. Below are five tips to get you on the path toward summer fun, safety, and mitigation of risks when your pool opens for the season:

  1. Familiarize yourself with the relevant laws and regulations. Every state (and many cities and municipalities) has strict rules for operating a swimming pool. It is important that you are aware of these rules not only to comply with the law but also to look out for the safety of your guests. For example, are you required to maintain a fence around the swimming pool and if so, is there a height requirement? Does your locality require inspections or permits in order to operate a swimming pool? What signage are you required to post at the pool?
  2. Conduct a safety check. Once you are aware of the local rules, conduct a full safety inspection of your swimming pool facilities to verify compliance with the law and identify any potential hazards or areas needing improvement. This proactive approach not only ensures legal adherence but also fosters a safer environment for patrons, minimizing the risk of accidents or injuries.
  3. Make repairs now. Summer will be here before you know it and it is important to employ a qualified technician to inspect your pool and perform any necessary maintenance tasks to ensure it is in optimal condition for safe enjoyment. From checking the integrity of the pool structure to testing equipment functionality and water quality, entrusting the care of your pool to a professional ensures a worry-free summer season for your patrons.
  4. Review your internal policies. Safe operation of a swimming pool begins with you. If you don’t have them already consider creating standard written rules and procedures for the maintenance and operation of your swimming pool. It is also worthwhile to consider adopting or updating an emergency plan to include comprehensive protocols for various scenarios, such as accidents, injuries, or sudden health emergencies, ensuring swift and effective response measures are in place to mitigate risks and safeguard the well-being of all pool users.
  5. Consider hiring a lifeguard. While you may not be legally required to have a lifeguard on duty, hiring a lifeguard not only enhances pool safety but also significantly reduces liability risks by providing immediate response to emergencies and ensuring vigilant supervision of swimmers.

While this list is not exhaustive, by implementing these strategies, you not only prioritize the well-being of your patrons but also safeguard the reputation and longevity of your business. While the outlined tips serve as a foundation, continual vigilance and adaptation are key to maintaining a safe and welcoming pool environment for all.