[author: Lauren Atkins]

There have been several operation and deadline updates affecting North Carolina’s courts and the Industrial Commission. Check below to see how this may impact you or your business.

N.C. Court Filing Deadlines

On March 19, Chief Justice Beasley issued an order extending filing deadlines and curtailing other court processes. Documents due to be filed between March 16-April 17 will be deemed timely if they are filed before close of business on April 17, 2020. Any acts required from March 16-April 17 in civil actions, criminal actions, estates, and special proceedings are postponed until April 17, 2020. The N.C. Judicial Branch has more information on its website.

N.C. Industrial Commission

The N.C. Industrial Commission is currently open with staff working remotely if possible. Please contact the Commission staff via email instead of by phone. Staff members may not be able to access their work phone or voicemail messages. Email addresses can be found under the “Sections” tab on the Commission’s website.

Medical Motion Hearings

Beginning March 23, the N.C. Industrial Commission has amended medical motion hearings procedures arising under G.S. §97-25(f) to allow for parties to appear remotely if needed. The presiding Deputy Commissioner will provide a toll-free number and access code to all parties. A court reporter will be available to record hearing testimony.

The Commission strongly encourages parties to explore options that avoid appearing remotely by submitting Pre-Trial Agreements or taking lay witness testimony by deposition.

  • Parties are not required to appear remotely upon approval of the Deputy Commissioner if no lay witness testimony is required or agree to take lay witness testimony by deposition.
  • A Pre-Trial Agreement and set of stipulated exhibits must be submitted. Once completed, medical depositions will be taken.

This will begin March 23 and continue through the end of April 2020.