Supreme Court to Settle Circuit Split Regarding RICO Damages Arising From Personal Injuries — RICO Report Podcast

Troutman Pepper Locke
Join Troutman Pepper White Collar and Litigation Partner Cal Stein for a special podcast series, discussing the legal landscape surrounding the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO).

In this installment, Cal discusses an upcoming U.S. Supreme Court case that will resolve a long-standing circuit split by determining whether recoverable RICO damages include those stemming from economic harm arising from personal injuries. Specific topics include:

• The See more +

Join Troutman Pepper White Collar and Litigation Partner Cal Stein for a special podcast series, discussing the legal landscape surrounding the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO).

In this installment, Cal discusses an upcoming U.S. Supreme Court case that will resolve a long-standing circuit split by determining whether recoverable RICO damages include those stemming from economic harm arising from personal injuries. Specific topics include:

• The Horn case and the District and Circuit Courts’ rulings on RICO standing (1:10);

• The “antecedent personal injury bar” and the Second Circuit’s rejection of it (7:00);

• The distinction between bodily harm and economic harm flowing from personal injury (14:55);

• The Circuit split and how the Supreme Court will resolve it (17:30); and

• Impact of the Supreme Court’s decision on tort and products liability cases (22:53). See less -


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Troutman Pepper Locke


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