As anticipated, Senate Bill 1193 went into effect on April 1, 2013, requiring a broad range of businesses in the transportation, hospitality, and health care sectors to post public notices regarding slavery and human trafficking.  The Bill is an effort to combat the $32 billion human trafficking industry.  
The following businesses are required to post the notice: general alcohol retailers, adult/sexually oriented businesses, primary airports, intercity passenger rail or light rail stations, bus stations, truck stops, emergency rooms with acute care hospitals, urgent care centers, farm labor contractors, privately operated job recruitment centers, roadside rest areas, and massage/bodywork businesses. 
The 8.5” x 11”  notice is required to provide important information on how to report suspected human trafficking and where victims of human trafficking may obtain help. 

We provided an overview of Senate Bill 1193, along with other regulatory changes, in our 2013 Employment Issues Seminar.  A copy of the presentation is available here
For more information and a “model notice,” visit the Attorney General of California’s website.