[authors: Julie A. Angelini, Kristy Kunisaki Marino]

The NLRB Announces Intent to Educate Nonunion Employees
Written by: Kristy Kunisaki Marino

The NLRB recently confirmed that it will embark on an education campaign directed at nonunion employees. In particular, the NLRB plans to roll out a new Web site aimed at educating nonunion employees about their rights under the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA). The NLRB also plans to print and distribute brochures aimed at nonunion employees.

The educational campaign will reportedly focus on informing employees about their right to protected concerted activity under the NLRA. That is, the NLRB has found that “protected concerted activity” may include instances when two or more employees address their employer about pay or when employees discuss work-related issues, such as safety concerns, with each other. Because the NLRA prohibits employers from disciplining or punishing employees for engaging in protected concerted activity, even if those employees are not represented by a union, employers may be at a greater risk for complaints if they violate the rights of employees.