On January 21, 2025, President Trump issued an executive order titled “[E]nding Illegal Discrimination and Restoring Merit-Based Opportunity,” rescinding Executive Order (“EO”) 11246 – which required federal government…
/ Administrative Law, Civil Rights, Commercial Law & Contracts, Government Contracting, Labor & Employment Law
In the flurry of executive orders issued shortly after being sworn for a second term, President Donald Trump issued two executive orders and one presidential action dismantling all diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI)…
/ Civil Rights, Elections & Politics, Labor & Employment Law
In April of this year, the United States Department of Labor the (“DOL”) announced a final rule (the “2024 Rule”) that had a dramatic effect on whether employers can legally exempt employees from overtime pay under the Fair…
/ Civil Procedure, Labor & Employment Law
In August of this year, Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar shared a Housing Affordability Challenge report, which examines the factors contributing to the housing affordability crisis across the U.S., how the crisis is affecting…
/ Real Estate - Residential, Taxation, Zoning, Planning & Land Use
The US Department of Justice issued a Notice of Proposed Rule Making (NPRM) October 21, 2024 that, if finalized, will prohibit or restrict a significant amount of international data sharing with countries of concern, currently…
/ International Law & Trade, Privacy, Science, Computers, & Technology
Effective July 1, 2024, the Mississippi Legislative enacted multiple statutory changes applicable to the construction industry, including (1) an increase to the monetary threshold requiring public bidding, (2) new delivery…
/ Business Organizations, Commercial Law & Contracts, Construction Law
The United Supreme Court will hear arguments this month in a case that will have widespread consequences for the business community, specifically the products industry. In Medical Marijuana v. Horn, the question presented to the…
/ Business Organizations, Civil Procedure, Personal Injury, Products Liability
As technology advances, the debate around the use of Artificial Intelligence (“AI”) in the courtroom intensifies. In a world where algorithms can predict our next move, the courtroom remains a sacred space for human judgment –…
/ Law Practice Products & Services, Science, Computers, & Technology
Many things go without saying. But the fact that attorneys wear many hats—especially those working as in-house counsel—shouldn’t be one of them. These professionals must not only appear Janus-like in their ability to vacillate…
/ Business Organizations, Law Practice Products & Services, Privacy, Science, Computers, & Technology
The company has created a new product. It has passed all clinical trials. All regulatory hurdles have been cleared. It is perfect. It is going to change the world. It goes to the market… And now someone is suing…
/ Civil Procedure, Electronic Discovery
A high school reunion can be a wonderful, surreal experience at best, and a handwringing, anxiety-ridden event at worst. During those formative years of our teenage lives, we were surrounded by – and spent countless hours with –…
/ Business Torts, Personal Injury, Products Liability
In its 2020 decision in Bostock v. Clayton County, the United States Supreme Court ruled that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits covered employers from discriminating against employees based on their transgender…
/ Civil Rights, Health, Labor & Employment Law
As expected, a Texas federal court issued a ruling on August 20, 2024, declaring that the Federal Trade Commission’s (“FTC’s”) new rule purporting to ban nearly all noncompete agreements shall not “take effect on its effective…
/ Administrative Law, Antitrust & Trade Regulation, Business Organizations, Commercial Law & Contracts, Labor & Employment Law
As lawyers, we work with words. We bend them, conjoin them, manipulate them, and often seek to redefine them. Working in certain legal fields, we often take for granted the common vernacular used in those fields. Terms such as a…
/ Civil Procedure, Civil Rights, Constitutional Law, Criminal Law, Law Practice Products & Services
In July 2024, Governor Greg Abbott announced that the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) awarded over $95 million in housing tax credits to help finance the development and rehabilitation of more than 60…
/ Real Estate - Commercial, Taxation