Yahoo! Inc v. Facebook Inc.
Text copy of Yahoo!'s huge complaint for patent infringement against Facebook, filed on March 12, 2012.
Kara Swisher of AllThingsD writes: "In what is either the boldest gamble of its history or the most boneheaded, Yahoo has…
/ Communications & Media Law, Intellectual Property, Science, Computers, & Technology
Prop 8: Perry v. Brown
Copy of the 9th circuit appeals court decision ruling that Proposition 8 is unconstitutional.
Quote: ""Although the constitution permits communities to enact most laws they believe to be desirable, it requires that there be…
/ Civil Procedure, Civil Rights, Constitutional Law
On January 25, general counsel for the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) issued a new report on social media cases they have recently reviewed. This is it. Of interest to managers, HR professionals, employment lawyers, and…
/ Communications & Media Law, Labor & Employment Law, Science, Computers, & Technology
United States v. Jones
Full text copy of the 1/23/2012 Supreme Court decision in what has been described as "the most important Fourth Amendment case in a decade."
SCOTUS unanimously decided (in United States v. Jones, three separate opinions) that…
/ Constitutional Law, Criminal Law, Privacy, Science, Computers, & Technology
MIMS v Arrow Financial Services, LLC
SCOTUS decision that reverses an Appeals Court judgment in MIMS v Arrow Financial Services to do with bringing private claims in federal court against telemarketers.
The Supreme Court decision opens the door for additional…
/ Communications & Media Law, Consumer Protection, Science, Computers, & Technology
Lady Gaga Personal Assistant Overtime FLSA Claim
Court filing by Lady Gaga's former personal assistant, Jennifer O'Neill, claiming failure to pay overtime and premium wages in violation of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).
According to the filing, O'Neill's primary job…
/ Art, Entertainment, & Sports Law, Labor & Employment Law
John Doe v Gerald Sandusky, Second Mile, Penn State University
Civil complaint filed against Gerald (Jerry) Sandusky on 11/30/2011 on behalf of John Doe A, one of Sandusky's alleged sexual victims, who was ten years old at the time.
"Sandusky sexually abused John Doe A over one…
/ Criminal Law, Labor & Employment Law, Personal Injury
PhoneDog v. Noah Kravitz
"Plaintiff PhoneDog brings this action against one of its former employees, Defendant Noah Kravitz, based on his continued use of a Twitter account that PhoneDog alleges it owns and contains trade secrets, namely the compilation…
/ Communications & Media Law, Intellectual Property, International Law & Trade, Science, Computers, & Technology
MF Global Bankruptcy
Copy of the Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing for MF Global Holdings Ltd., an investment bank recently lead by CEO Jon Corzine to a spectacular collapse in a European bond trading bet that ... didn't work.
This bankruptcy filing…
/ Bankruptcy, Finance & Banking, Securities Law
E-PARASITE Act (Text Copy)
Full text copy of the E-PARASITE Act (formerly the Protect IP Act), aka the 'Enforcing and Protecting American Rights Against Sites Intent on Theft and Exploitation Act' ...
The bill, a rework of the Protect IP Act, is not…
/ Intellectual Property, International Law & Trade
Chapter 706, Sections 226.8 and 2753 of California Labor Code
Described by some as the "Corbett Job Killer Act of 2011" - new legislation signed by Governor Jerry Brown that raises the stakes for California employees who incorrectly classify employees as independent contractors…
/ Labor & Employment Law
California Assembly Bill 1236
Full text copy of California Assembly Bill 1236 "The Employment Acceleration Act of 2011" prohibiting California state and local governments from requiring buinesses to use the federal e-Verify system to check eligibility of new…
/ Immigration Law, Labor & Employment Law
Copy of the proposed 'Volcker Rule' - an addition to the Dodd-Frank Act that would prohibit banks for participating in certain kinds of speculating trading and investing. Due to be implemented July, 2012.
"In formulating the…
/ Finance & Banking, Securities Law
Bill HR 2977 To Improve Circulation of $1 Coins
Full text copy of a bill introduced on 9-20-2011 to the Committee on Financial Services to: "improve the circulation of $1 coins, to remove barrier to the circulation of such coins, and for other purposes..."
The point: get…
/ Finance & Banking
American Jobs Act of 2011
Full text copy of President Obama's plan to: "provide tax relief for American workers and businesses, to put workers back on the job while rebuilding and modernizing America, and to provide pathways back to work for Americans…
/ Labor & Employment Law, Taxation