Seyfarth Synopsis: In the popular PBS show Downton Abbey, a large staff attends to the every domestic need of the British Earl and his family. Those of us somewhat less fortunate have likely felt the additional household...more
Seyfarth Summary: Like the singers in “California Dreamin,” many out-of-state employers—on a winter’s day and otherwise—might dream of operating in California. California is an attractive market for out-of-state companies....more
/ Employer Liability Issues ,
Employment Discrimination ,
Hiring & Firing ,
Independent Contractors ,
Labor Regulations ,
Local Ordinance ,
Minimum Wage ,
Out-of-State Companies ,
Over-Time ,
Rest and Meal Break ,
Sexual Harassment ,
State and Local Government ,
State Labor Laws ,
Wage and Hour ,
Wage Statements
Seyfarth Synopsis: With the recent partial shutdown of the federal government, many federal contractors have faced tough decisions balancing their reduced revenue with their desire to keep their workforce intact....more