Since the introduction of the Insurance Act in 1979, the Cayman Islands has established itself as one of the largest, and most sophisticated, centres for international insurance business. As of the first quarter of 2023, the...more
/ Beneficial Owner ,
Beneficiaries ,
Business Plans ,
Cayman Islands ,
Insurance Acts ,
Insurance Industry ,
Joint Control ,
Jurisdiction ,
Liquidation ,
Noncompliance ,
Puerto Rico ,
Synopsis -
The Cayman Islands introduced the restructuring offi- cer regime into the Companies Act (as revised) (the ‘Companies Act’) on 31 August 2022. The restructur- ing officer regime allows companies to appoint...more
The Grand Court of the Cayman Islands (Kawaley J) handed down a recent decision appointing receivers over a segregated portfolio, in the case of In the Matter of Green Asia Restructure Fund SPC....more