Latest Publications


B.C. Implements New Output-Based Pricing System for Carbon Emissions

Recently, British Columbia made changes to its industrial greenhouse gas emissions regime by implementing a mandatory carbon emissions output-based pricing system (OBPS) for major industrial operations. The OBPS replaces the...more

Le haut dirigeant d’une société minière trouvé coupable d’infractions environnementales

Introduction - Le 7 juillet 2023, la Cour provinciale de la Colombie-Britannique (la « Cour ») a déterminé que le président et chef de la direction d’une société minière était coupable de plusieurs infractions...more

“The Buck Stops at the Top” – Lessons Learned: Mining Company Executive Found Guilty of Environmental Offences

Introduction - On July 7, 2023, the British Columbia Provincial Court (Court) found the president and chief operating officer of a mining company guilty of several environmental offences arising from the discharge of waste...more

B.C. Significantly Increasing Soil Relocation Requirements

Changes to British Columbia’s Environmental Management Act (EMA) and Contaminated Sites Regulation (CSR) will introduce a new regime governing soil relocation in B.C. The changes will increase testing requirements prior to...more

Le gouvernement du Canada finalise le Règlement sur les combustibles propres

Le 6 juillet 2022, le gouvernement du Canada a publié la version finale du Règlement sur les combustibles propres (le « RCP »). Aux termes de ce dernier, les producteurs et importateurs de combustibles fossiles liquides, tels...more

Canada Finalizes Clean Fuel Regulations

On July 6, 2022, Canada released the final version of the long-awaited Clean Fuel Regulations (CFR or Regulations). The CFR will require producers and importers of liquid fossil fuels, such as gasoline and diesel, to...more

Répercussions de la constitutionnalité de la Loi sur la tarification de la pollution causée par les gaz à effet de serre

Dans le Renvoi relatif à la Loi sur la tarification de la pollution causée par les gaz à effet de serre (l’« arrêt »), une majorité de juges de la Cour suprême du Canada (la « CSC ») a déclaré que la Loi sur la tarification...more

Now That the Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act Has Been Determined to be Constitutionally Valid – What Does it All Mean?

In Reference re Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act (Decision), a majority of the Supreme Court of Canada (SCC) declared that the federal Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act (Act) is constitutional. This Bulletin discusses...more

New B.C. Rules for Contaminated Sites May Significantly Impact Businesses

On February 1, 2021, amendments to British Columbia’s Environmental Management Act and Contaminated Sites Regulation will come into force, changing the process for identifying contaminated sites in B.C. The changes will...more

Changements climatiques: mesures gouvernementales, réserve judiciaire et obligations d’information des sociétés

En cette période de pandémie mondiale, si les questions de santé monopolisent une grande partie de notre attention, les changements climatiques n’en demeurent pas moins à l’avant-plan des enjeux avec lesquels les...more

SPFA : gérer les nouvelles préoccupations et les risques de contamination

Depuis quelque temps, les substances perfluoroalkylées et polyfluoroalkylées (« SPFA »), soit une famille de plus de 5 000 produits chimiques fabriqués que l’on trouve dans divers produits d’usage courant, font l’objet d’une...more

Climate Change: Government Action, Judicial Restraint and Corporate Disclosure

While our attention is primarily on health issues during this global pandemic, climate change remains at the forefront of issues being addressed by governments, courts and businesses. This bulletin summarizes some of the...more

PFAS: Managing New Concerns and Risk of Contamination

There has been increasing attention, regulation and litigation regarding a family of over 5,000 manufactured chemicals (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances or PFAS) found in everyday products. Although there is still...more

Blakes Continuity Podcast: Cutting Through the Weeds: A Look at Environmental Issues Impacting Businesses [Audio]

Across Canada, companies are facing a host of environmental challenges, including sustainability, regulatory obligations and other issues. In episode 12 of our Continuity podcast, Tony Crossman, Terri-Lee Oleniuk and Grace...more

Federal Overhaul of Environmental Laws to Take Effect August 28, 2019: New Impact Assessment Triggers and Other Details Released

The federal government’s long-awaited overhaul of key environmental laws (Bill C-69, which implements the new Impact Assessment Act, the Canadian Energy Regulator Act and the Canadian Navigable Waters Act and related...more

B.C.’s Updated Climate Action Plan: What You Need to Know, What’s in, and What’s Been Left Out

The B.C. government recently released the much anticipated Climate Leadership Plan (Plan), which updates the 2008 Climate Action Plan (2008 Plan) and responds to the government-appointed Climate Leadership Team’s (Panel) 32...more

B.C. Proposes to Significantly Broaden Requirements for Spill Reporting and Response

The British Columbia government is seeking further input on its proposed new regime for spill reporting, preparedness and response through the release of an intentions paper on April 5, 2016 and an open comment period until...more

B.C. Enters New Era of Water Regulation as Water Sustainability Act Is Brought into Force

Nearly two years after passing the Water Sustainability Act (WSA), the province of British Columbia has quietly brought it into force through the registration of five new regulations. Together, these implement a new regime...more

B.C. Environmental Appeal Board Rejects Precautionary Principle in Favour of “Cautious Approach”

In a recent decision upholding an air permit amendment issued to Rio Tinto Alcan Inc. (Rio Tinto) for the expansion of its smelter in Kitimat, the British Columbia Environmental Appeal Board (Board) ruled on a number of key...more

Proposed Policies for Implementing B.C.’s New Water Sustainability Act Available for Comment

On July 30, 2015, the British Columbia government released four discussion papers for public comment outlining proposed new policies for regulations under the Water Sustainability Act. These papers are important as much of...more

Government Response to Drought Conditions in B.C. Creates Potential for Water Use Curtailment

On July 15, the British Columbia government announced a Level 4 drought rating for the South Coast and Lower Fraser areas of the province, which could lead to orders to temporarily reduce or cease water use and put rights...more

B.C. Court Awards Remediation Costs Before They Are Incurred

The recent decision of the British Columbia Supreme Court (Court) in Dolinsky v. Wingfield may allow those who have to clean up contamination on their lands to obtain those costs from the responsible parties before actually...more

B.C. Court Allows Environmental Approvals Delay Claim to Proceed

In Carhoun & Sons Enterprises Ltd. v. Canada (Attorney General), the British Columbia Court of Appeal allowed a lawsuit to proceed against the federal government by a private developer for losses caused by delays in the...more

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