Facing Your Face Mask Duties – A List of Statewide Orders (UPDATED)



Governors and public health officials across the country have implemented stringent mitigation measures to help contain the spread of COVID-19. As businesses reopen, face coverings remain popular as a preventative measure. Numerous jurisdictions have encouraged—or mandated—citizens to wear face coverings when out in public, especially when social distancing cannot be maintained effectively. Some directives also obligate employers to provide masks to their employees.

This post, current as of May 20, 2021 at 11:00 a.m. (Central), identifies the jurisdictions where face coverings are recommended or required. We will update this list regularly but expect it will become outdated quickly as new announcements are made. 

Note that this list does not include face covering guidance at the local level. 

Employers interested in related information may wish to consult our interactive reopening map, as well as our articles identifying statewide vaccination plans, reopening and mitigation protocols, and employee health screening guidance.


Requirement or Recommendation




Compliance with CDC guidelines with respect to wearing masks is required for on-duty or on-site federal employees, on-site federal contractors; and all persons in federal buildings or on federal lands.

CDC requires persons over age 2 to wear a mask on a conveyance (aircraft, train, vehicle, vessel) and while in a transportation hub (airport, bus terminal, seaport, etc.). Operators of conveyances arriving or departing a U.S. port of entry must require travelers to wear masks. Private conveyances for non-commercial use, commercial motor vehicles, military conveyances are excluded. The definition of mask does not include a face shield.

It is also recommended that unvaccinated people wear a cloth face covering in public settings, at gatherings and events, and anywhere they will be around other people. Face shields are not recommended as a substitute for masks.

 Fully vaccinated individuals can resume activities without wearing a mask, except where required by federal, state, local, tribal, or territorial laws, rules, and regulations, including local business and workplace guidance.

OSHA recommends allowing workers to wear masks over their nose and mouth to prevent them from spreading the virus.



The statewide mask mandate was rescinded 4/9/21.

Individuals are encouraged to wear masks when within six feet of people from other households. Employers, businesses, and other organizations should take reasonable steps to ensure safety, including encouraging mask wearing.

NOTE: At least one Alabama locality has provisions concerning face coverings for employees and/or customers (through 5/24/21). Please check with your Littler attorney for additional information about your particular jurisdiction.



Face coverings are recommended for all individuals age 2 and up. 

NOTE: At least one city in Alaska has provisions concerning face coverings for employees and/or customers. Please check with your Littler attorney for additional information about your particular jurisdiction.



Masks no longer mandated as of 3/25/21, but businesses and employers may adopt and enforce face covering requirements.

NOTE: Arizona localities may have provisions concerning face coverings for employees and/or customers. Please check with your Littler attorney for additional information about your particular jurisdiction.



The mask mandate was rescinded as of 3/30/21, though masks continue to be recommended. Businesses are permitted to require masks on their premises.

NOTE: Arkansas localities may have provisions concerning face coverings for employees and/or customers. Please check with your Littler attorney for additional information about your particular jurisdiction.



The state's current mask requirements will remain in place until 6/15/21.

Individuals over age 2 must wear a face covering when outside their homes unless one of the specified exceptions applies. For fully vaccinated persons, face coverings are not required outdoors except when attending crowded outdoor events.

For unvaccinated persons, face coverings are required outdoors any time physical distancing cannot be maintained, including when attending crowded outdoor events.

In indoor settings outside of one's home, including public transportation, face coverings continue to be required regardless of vaccination status.

Persons exempted from wearing a face covering due to a medical condition who are employed in a job involving regular contact with others should wear a non-restrictive alternative, such as a face shield with a drape on the bottom edge, as long as their condition permits it. A face shield alone cannot be used as a substitute for a face covering.

Employers shall provide face coverings and ensure they are worn by employees over the nose and mouth when indoors, when outdoors and less than six feet away from another person. Employers shall ensure face coverings are clean and undamaged. Employers shall evaluate the need for personal protective equipment, such as gloves, goggles, and face shields, and provide such personal protective equipment as needed. Face shields are not a replacement for face coverings, although they may be worn together for additional protection. Employees exempted from wearing face coverings due to a medical condition, mental health condition, or disability shall wear an effective non-restrictive alternative, such as a face shield with a drape on the bottom, if their condition or disability permits it. When using employer-provided transportation, the vehicle operator and any passengers must be provided with and wear a face covering in the vehicle.

NOTE: Many California localities have provisions concerning face coverings for employees and/or customers. Please check with your Littler attorney for additional information about your particular jurisdiction.



Masks continue to be required in certain specified settings (schools, certain healthcare and government settings).

Individuals aged 11+ who are not fully vaccinated are encouraged to wear a face covering when entering or within an indoor space where members of different households are present. Any fully vaccinated individual may go without any type of face covering in any setting.

Owners, operators, and managers of any business or service may, at their discretion, continue to require individuals entering or within their locations to wear face coverings or show proof of full vaccination

NOTE: Colorado localities may have provisions concerning face coverings for employees and/or customers. Please check with your Littler attorney for additional information about your particular jurisdiction.



Any person over age 2 while indoors in a public place who does not maintain a safe social distance of approximately six feet from every other person and who is not fully vaccinated for COVID-19 shall cover their mouth and nose with a mask or cloth face covering. Fully vaccinated people are not required to wear masks except as provided below.

All persons shall use masks or cloth face coverings in any taxi, car, livery, ride-sharing or similar service, commercial aircraft, or any means of mass public transit, or while within any airport, bus or train station, enclosed transit stop or waiting area, homeless shelter or correctional facility. 

Businesses and organizations may require the universal use of masks or face coverings or require staff to wear masks in settings under their ownership or control.



Individuals aged kindergarten and up are strongly encouraged to wear a face covering while visiting any indoor business or space open to the public in compliance with CDC guidelines and recommendations. Individuals must wear masks on public transport, in healthcare settings, and in certain other congregate settings.

Employers must ensure that all employees, patrons, and visitors must wear face coverings in accordance the current order and CDC guidelines. Businesses may impose mask requirements for employees, patrons, and visitors.

District of Columbia


Fully vaccinated people do not need to wear masks in any setting, indoors or outdoors. People who are not vaccinated should wear a cloth face covering or mask at any indoor or outdoor public setting. A face shield is not an acceptable alternative for wearing a mask.

Masks remain required in public transportation, schools, healthcare settings, and other specified congregate settings.



All individuals over age 2 are recommended to wear face coverings according to CDC guidelines.

NOTE: Florida localities may have provisions concerning face coverings for employees and/or customers. Please check with your Littler attorney for additional information about your particular jurisdiction.



Everyone over age 2 should wear cloth face coverings in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain.

NOTE: In Georgia, many localities have provisions concerning face coverings for employees and/or customers. Please check with your Littler attorney for additional information about your particular jurisdiction



All individuals over age 5 must wear a face covering when in public settings. Masks are not required while working at a desk or work station and not actively engaged with other employees, customers, or visitors, provided that the individual’s desk or workstation is not located in a common or shared area and physical distancing of at least six feet is maintained. Face shields are not permitted as substitutes for face coverings unless an exception to the face covering requirement applies. Businesses shall refuse admission or service to any individual who fails to wear a face covering, unless an exception applies.

NOTE: In Hawaii, some localities have provisions concerning face coverings for employees and/or customers. Please check with your Littler attorney for additional information about your particular jurisdiction.



Employers should identify how personal use items such as masks, face coverings, and gloves may be required by employees, vendors, and/or patrons. Individuals should wear a face covering over their nose and mouth as per guidance from CDC for vaccinated and unvaccinated people.  

NOTE: In Idaho, some localities may have provisions concerning face coverings for employees and/or customers. Please check with your Littler attorney for additional information about your particular jurisdiction.



Any individual who is not fully vaccinated and who is over age 2 and able to medically tolerate a face covering shall be required to wear a mask when in a public place and unable to maintain a six-foot social distance. This requirement applies whether in an indoor space, such as a store, or in a public outdoor space where maintaining a six-foot social distance is not always possible. All individuals, including those who are fully vaccinated, shall be required to wear a mask consistent with CDC guidance, including: (1) on  public transportation and in transportation hubs; (2) in congregate facilities such as correctional facilities and homeless shelters; and (3) in healthcare settings. Businesses must provide employees with appropriate face coverings and ensure that employees who are not fully vaccinated wear masks when social distancing is not always possible.

NOTE: Illinois localities may have provisions concerning face coverings for employees and/or customers. Please check with your Littler attorney for additional information about your particular jurisdiction.



As of 4/5/21, the mask mandate transitioned to a mask advisory, with the below guidelines as recommendations.

All individuals over age 7 must wear a face covering when inside a business, public building, other indoor location open to the public, in an outdoor public space where distancing is not feasible, and while using transportation services. A face shield is permitted for people with health conditions that prevent them from wearing a mask.

Face coverings are not required in private offices, private workspaces, or meetings in which 6 feet of distancing can be maintained.

Face coverings are required for restaurant and bar employees, gym/fitness center employees, and personal care services employees.

NOTE: In Indiana, some localities may have provisions concerning face coverings for employees and/or customers. Please check with your Littler attorney for additional information about your particular jurisdiction.



All individuals over age should wear a face covering when in indoor public settings and within 6 feet from individuals not in their households for more than 15 minutes.

The statewide mask mandate was rescinded on 2/5/21.

NOTE: In Iowa, some localities may have provisions concerning face coverings for employees and/or customers. Please check with your Littler attorney for additional information about your particular jurisdiction.



All businesses and organizations must require employees, customers, members of the public to wear face coverings when (1) employees are working in any space visited by the public, (2) when food is being prepared or packaged, (3) working or present in common areas, (4) customers or members of the public are present in the facility, and (5) in any enclosed area where others are present and are unable to maintain 6 feet distance.

All individuals over age 5 are required to wear a face covering in indoor and outdoor public spaces and while using transportation services. The state has adopted the mask guidance for fully vaccinated individuals.

The requirements do not apply to counties and cities that have already adopted a mask requirement.

NOTE: Some counties may have opted-out of the governor's face covering requirement. Other localities may have provisions concerning face coverings for employees and/or customers. Please check with your Littler attorney for additional information about your particular jurisdiction.



Masks continue to be required in certain limited settings (on public transportation, in healthcare settings, schools, and others as specified). A fully vaccinated person is not required to wear a mask in any setting except as otherwise specified. Businesses and entities retain the discretion to require masks.



The mask mandate expired on 4/28/21, though masks are still required on public transit and a few other settings. Individuals are strongly encouraged to wear masks.

Businesses have the authority to require masks. If a business denies entry to a patron, visitor, or worker and the person refuses to leave the premises, law enforcement may enforce trespassing laws and any other laws the person may violate.

NOTE: In Louisiana, at least one city has provisions concerning face coverings for employees and/or customers. Please check with your Littler attorney for additional information about your particular jurisdiction.



Owners and operators of indoor public settings must require all persons over age 2 to wear face coverings in publicly accessible areas. The mask order does not prohibit a reasonable accommodation for those with a disability, but due to the direct threat to public health and safety, no such accommodation may make it permissible for any person to enter or remain in any indoor public setting without a face covering. Masks are not required in outdoor settings.

Beginning May 24, fully vaccinated individuals are not required to wear masks indoors.



All individuals over age 5 are required to wear face coverings (1) while using transportation services; (2) in schools; and (3) while obtaining healthcare services. Unvaccinated individuals are advised to wear face coverings in all indoor settings outside of their homes. Businesses retain the discretion to require masks on their premises.

NOTE: In Maryland, some localities may have provisions concerning face coverings for employees and/or customers. Please check with your Littler attorney for additional information about your particular jurisdiction.



Beginning 5/29/21, the state will adopt the CDC mask guidance.

Individuals over age 5 must wear face coverings in indoor public settings, regardless of the ability to maintain physical distance. If a customer refuses to wear a face covering for non-medical reasons, the business may decline entry. Face coverings are required in outdoor public places when it is not possible to socially distance.



All persons over age 2 who are participating in indoor gatherings are required to wear a face mask. Fully vaccinated individuals are not subject to this requirement. A face shield is not an acceptable alternative to a mask.

A person responsible for an establishment must prohibit gatherings of any kind at the establishment unless the person makes a good faith effort to ensure that all persons at their establishment (including employees) comply with the mask requirement. A "good faith effort" may include any of the following: posting a sign notifying people that wearing a mask is required unless a person falls into a specified exception; asking patrons not wearing masks whether they fall into a specified exception; requiring face masks of all patrons and employees; or any other policy designed to ensure compliance.

All employers must provide non-medical grade face coverings to their employees, require face coverings to be worn when employees cannot consistently maintain six feet of separation from other individuals in the workplace



The mask mandate was rescinded effective 5/14/21. Per CDC guidance, fully vaccinated individuals are not required to wear masks. Unvaccinated individuals are strongly recommended to continue wearing masks indoors. Businesses and local jurisdictions retain discretion to impose mask requirements.

NOTE: In Minnesota, some localities have provisions concerning face coverings for employees and/or customers. Please check with your Littler attorney for additional information about your particular jurisdiction.



The mask mandate was rescinded effective 3/3/21. All individuals are recommended to wear a face covering while in public spaces when social distancing from people of other households is not possible.

NOTE: In Mississippi, at least one locality has provisions concerning face coverings for employees and/or customers. Please check with your Littler attorney for additional information about your particular jurisdiction.



People should wear cloth face coverings in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain.

NOTE: In Missouri, some localities may have provisions concerning face coverings for employees and/or customers. Please check with your Littler attorney for additional information about your particular jurisdiction.



The statewide mask mandate was rescinded effective as of 2/12/21.



Residents are recommended to wear a cloth face covering in public places where they cannot stay 6 feet away from others.

NOTE: In Nebraska, at least  one locality has provisions concerning face coverings for employees and/or customers (through 5/25/21). Please check with your Littler attorney for additional information about your particular jurisdiction.



All individuals over age 9 must wear face coverings in indoor public spaces. Businesses must ensure that employees, customers, patrons, patients, and clients wear face coverings, including by prohibiting persons without face coverings from entering the premises. The state has adopted the CDC guidance for fully vaccinated individuals

Nevada neither requires nor prohibits private entities from confirming vaccination status of individuals. Employers and organizations are encouraged to post signage with the latest CDC mask guidance for vaccinated and unvaccinated guests.

New Hampshire


As of 4/16/21, the statewide mask mandate has been rescinded.

All individuals over age 5 are recommended to wear a face covering  any time they are in public spaces, indoors or outdoors, where they are unable to or do not consistently maintain a physical distance of at least six feet from persons outside their own households.

NOTE: In New Hampshire, at least one locality has provisions concerning face coverings for employees and/or customers. Please check with your Littler attorney for additional information about your particular jurisdiction.

New Jersey


Individuals must wear face coverings in indoor spaces accessible to the public when it is not practicable to keep a six-foot distance from others. Masks are not required in outdoor public spaces.

Employers must require employees, customers, visitors, and other individuals entering the worksite to wear cloth or disposable face masks while on the premises, except where the individual is under two years of age or where it is impracticable for an individual to wear a face mask, such as when the individual is eating or drinking or where a service being provided by the employer cannot be performed on an individual who is wearing a mask. Employers must make available, at their expense, such face masks to their employees.

Employers may deny entry to the worksite to any employee, customer, or visitor who declines to wear a face mask, except when doing so would violate state or federal law.

Employers may adopt policies that require employees to wear gloves in addition to regular hand hygiene. Where an employer requires its employees to wear gloves while at the worksite, the employer must provide such gloves to employees.

Required for workers and visitors on construction sites.

NJ Transit and private transit companies must require workers and customers to wear cloth face coverings while on trains, buses and light rail vehicles, and passengers may be declined entry if they do not wear a covering. The order specifies the requirements and exceptions.

Required for agricultural workers.

New Mexico


All individuals must wear a face covering in public settings, including while exercising. Fully vaccinated individuals are not required to wear a mask.

All employers must provide all employees with face coverings and require they be used in the workplace.

New York


Consistent with CDC guidance, in most settings, vaccinated individuals are not required to wear a mask. Unvaccinated individuals over age 2 must wear masks in all public settings. Masks are strongly recommended in indoor settings where vaccination status of individuals is unknown.

Businesses are authorized to impose their own mask requirements. Mask requirements by businesses must adhere to all applicable federal and state laws and regulations.

NOTE: New York City has its own face covering obligations. Please check with your Littler attorney for additional information about your particular jurisdiction.

North Carolina


Individuals over age 4 must wear face coverings on transportation services, in healthcare settings, schools and childcare, and limited other specified settings. Otherwise, face coverings are not required. People not fully vaccinated are recommended to wear masks. Private businesses may continue to impose a mask requirement.

Face shields do not meet the requirements for compliant face coverings.

North Dakota


The statewide mask requirement was rescinded 1/18/21, but masks continue to be recommended following CDC guidance.



The statewide mask mandate will be lifted as of 6/2/21.

Businesses must require that all people, including employees, customers, and visitors, wear a face covering and take reasonable steps to enforce the requirement; and mitigate or eliminate exposure to people who cannot wear or refuse to wear a face covering. Businesses must provide reasonable accommodation to people who state they have a medical condition, mental health condition, or disability that makes it unreasonable for the person to maintain a face covering.

Individuals over age 2 must wear facial coverings in public at all times when at an indoor location that is not a residence; outdoors, but unable to maintain six feet of distance from people who are not household members; when working in any space where food is prepared, packaged for sale, or prepared for distribution to others; during indoor physical exercise; participating in an indoor or outdoor group activity; and while using transportation services. Masks are also required in retail settings.

Fully vaccinated people are not required to wear masks.

Exceptions are specified but all alternatives, including face shields, should be exhausted before an individual is granted an exception. Note, however, that face shields are not generally considered an acceptable substitute for a mask.

NOTE: In Ohio, some localities may have provisions concerning face coverings for employees and/or customers. Please check with your Littler attorney for additional information about your particular jurisdiction.



Required on state property; recommended in public spaces per CDC guidelines.

NOTE: In Oklahoma, some localities may have provisions concerning face coverings for employees and/or customers. Please check with your Littler attorney for additional information about your particular jurisdiction.



Individuals over age 4 must wear a mask in indoor settings. Fully vaccinated individuals are not required to wear masks except in any setting where the owner or operator continues to require masks, face coverings or face shields. Masks are also required for everyone while on public transportation, in healthcare settings, schools, and other specified congregate settings.

Per Oregon OSHA, businesses and employers may require more stringent mask or face covering requirements and may exclude from their business, event or facility those individuals who, regardless of their vaccination status, fail to comply with those requirements. Businesses and employers doing so must have a policy in place to check the vaccination status of all individuals before they enter their establishment. An employer that requests and reviews verification of vaccination may permit fully vaccinated individuals with proof of vaccination to go without a mask, face covering or face shield.

Employers must provide masks, face coverings or face shields for employees, and must provide for accommodations for employees, contractors, volunteers, students, customers and visitors if accommodations are required by state or federal law.

It is strongly recommended, but not required, that individuals wear a mask or face covering  rather than relying upon a face shield alone.



Masks are not required in non-healthcare settings when the CDC’s public health guidance allows for no face coverings and if acting in accordance with the guidance, including the CDC guidance for fully vaccinated individuals.

Employers must require that all people, including their employees, customers, and visitors, wear a face covering and take reasonable steps to enforce the requirement; and mitigate or eliminate employee, visitor, and customer exposure to people who cannot wear or refuse to wear a face covering. Masks are not required when working alone and isolated from interaction with other people with little or no expectation of in-person interaction. Businesses may decline service to individuals who are not wearing a face covering or claiming to have a condition preventing them from wearing a face covering or an alternative to a face covering, so long as they attempt to provide a reasonable accommodation.

Individuals over age 2 are required to wear face coverings indoors or in an enclosed space, where another person or persons who are not members of the individual’s household are present in the same space, irrespective of physical distance; and outdoors with others who are not members of a person’s household and unable to maintain sustained physical distance. Masks are required when using transportation services and when working in any space where food is prepared, packaged for sale, or prepared for distribution to others.

Face shields are considered an alternative to a face covering and may be worn only when wearing a face covering is otherwise not possible.

NOTE: In Pennsylvania, at least one locality has provisions concerning face coverings for employees and/or customers. Please check with your Littler attorney for additional information about your particular jurisdiction.

Puerto Rico


Puerto Rico has not adopted the CDC guidance for masks and fully vaccinated individuals. People are required to wear face coverings when in public spaces. Businesses must ensure customers are wearing face coverings.

Rhode Island


Employees, customers, and visitors to businesses open to the public must wear face coverings. All individuals over age 2 must wear face coverings in indoor and outdoor public places. Fully vaccinated individuals are not required to wear masks except as specified under CDC guidance. A face shield alone is not recommended as a sufficient face covering.

South Carolina


All individuals who are not fully vaccinated are encouraged to wear a face covering in public settings where social distancing is not possible or feasible.

South Dakota


People are encouraged to wear cloth face coverings in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain, especially in areas of significant community-based transmission.



Employees are encouraged to wear a face covering at work. Members of the public are encouraged to wear a face covering in public places.

NOTE: In Tennessee, some localities may have provisions concerning face coverings for employees and/or customers. Please check with your Littler attorney for additional information about your particular jurisdiction.



The statewide mask mandate was rescinded effective 3/10/21, but masks continue to be recommended.

NOTE: In Texas, some localities may have provisions concerning face coverings for employees and/or customers. Please check with your Littler attorney for additional information about your particular jurisdiction.



The statewide mask mandate was lifted effective 4/10/21. Private businesses are permitted to require masks on their premises, and masks remain required for gatherings over 50 people.

NOTE: In Utah, at least one locality may have provisions concerning face coverings for employees and/or customers. Please check with your Littler attorney for additional information about your particular jurisdiction.



All individuals over age 2 shall wear masks or cloth facial coverings over their nose and mouth any time they are in indoor public spaces, where they come in contact with others from outside their households, especially in congregate settings, and where it is not possible to maintain a physical distance of at least six feet.  All businesses must require employees to wear non-medical cloth face coverings over their nose and mouth when in the presence of others. Face shields are not recommended as an alternative to a mask except for people who cannot wear a mask due to an exception.

Fully vaccinated people can resume activities without wearing a face covering over nose and mouth or physically distancing, except where required by law, including local business and workplace guidance. Unvaccinated people are not required to wear face coverings over nose and mouth when they are in outdoor public spaces.



Individuals aged 5 and older should wear a mask in accordance with CDC guidance for mask use and fully vaccinated individuals.

All employees of all businesses must wear masks in accordance with CDC guidelines. Employers must require employees to comply with the face covering guidelines.

Face shields are not a substitute for a mask, but specified types of face shields may be worn by someone with a medical condition preventing the person from wearing a mask.

Employers must provide face coverings to employees and require their use.

NOTEEffective 5/28/21: All individuals in the Commonwealth aged five and older should cover their mouth and nose with a mask in accordance with CDC guidelines. All other mask provisions are terminated.



Residents are required to wear cloth face coverings when they are in indoor or outdoor public settings where they cannot maintain 6 feet of distance from others. The state has adopted the CDC mask guidance for fully vaccinated individuals.

Businesses serving the public must require employees to wear face coverings and strictly enforce the requirement and refuse to serve patrons not wearing masks.

All employers must identify PPE and cloth facial coverings in accordance with requirements on facial coverings and industry specific COVID-19 standards and provide the necessary PPE and supplies to employees.

Every employer that does not require employees or contractors to wear a specific type of PPE must accommodate its employee's or contractor's voluntary use of that specific type of protective device or equipment, including gloves, goggles, face shields, and face masks, as the employee or contractor deems necessary.

A face shield with a drape can be used by people with developmental, behavioral, or medical conditions that prevent them from wearing a face covering.

West Virginia


The statewide face covering mandate is scheduled to be lifted on 6/20/21.

All individuals over age 9 must wear a face covering at all times when in confined indoor spaces where others may be present. Fully vaccinated individuals are not required to wear face coverings.

Restaurants must require all employees to wear face coverings at all times.

Small businesses (10 or fewer employees) are recommended to require their employees who have contact with customers to wear a mask and gloves.

A face shield with a drape can be used by people with developmental, behavioral, or medical conditions that prevent them from wearing a face covering.



On 4/31/21, the state supreme court invalidated the governor's mask mandate. Local mandates may remain in place.​ 

Fully vaccinated individuals may resume indoor and outdoor activities without wearing a mask.

Every individual age 5 and older is strongly encouraged to wear a face covering if indoors or in an enclosed space, other than at a private residence, and others who are not members of individual’s household or living unit are present in the same room or enclosed space. A face shield is not permitted as a substitute for a mask unless the individual is engaging in work where wearing a face covering would create a risk, as determined by government safety guidelines, or if engaging in activities where federal or state law or regulations prohibit wearing a face covering.

NOTE: Some localities may have provisions concerning face coverings for employees and/or customers. Please check with your Littler attorney for additional information about your particular jurisdiction.



The general statewide mask mandate was lifted on 3/16/21. Face coverings are encouraged in public spaces. Some requirements continue to apply in school settings and for large indoor events.

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