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Environmental Notes - October 2024

EPA Proposes Removing Affirmative Defense Provisions from Eighteen Clean Air Act Emission Standards - In a proposed rule published on June 24, 2024, EPA has proposed to remove eighteen affirmative defense provisions for… more

Compliance Notes - Vol. 5, Issue 31

Campaign Finance & Lobbying Compliance - At its open meeting the week of September 15, 2024, the Federal Election Commission (FEC) approved a Notice of Disposition of a rulemaking and a draft interpretive rule regarding Artificial… more

The Killer ORLA Concept in the new CRA Rule

Readers of this article may think I am referring to Orcas, sometimes known as “killer whales.” But what I am referring to is the new form of Assessment Area in the 2023 CRA Rule. However, the analogy/metaphor may be appropriate because… more

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