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When things are going well, insurance coverage, workers’ compensation and OSHA compliance may not be front-burner issues for companies. But in the COVID-19 environment, such “rainy day” topics are top of mind concerns of company…more
Business Interruption, Commercial Insurance Policies, Coronavirus/COVID-19, Employer Liability Issues, Employer Responsibilities
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Once a patent Applicant pays an issue fee after receiving a notice of allowance from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), an issue notification follows shortly thereafter. The issue notification provides the Applicant…more
Administrative Procedure, Patent Applications, Patents, USPTO
Website owners often struggle to design privacy policies that are not only comprehensive, but also comprehensible. The tension between these competing concerns was in sharp focus in a recent Ninth Circuit decision, Calhoun v…more
Consent, Corporate Counsel, Data Collection, Google, Invasion of Privacy
In SEC v. Jarkesy, the Supreme Court held that the Seventh Amendment requires the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC” or “the Commission”) to litigate in federal district court when seeking civil monetary penalties…more
Administrative Authority, Administrative Law Judge (ALJ), Administrative Proceedings, Civil Monetary Penalty, Constitutional Challenges
This is the second article in a series exploring what our Title IX team has learned in the year following the implementation of the 2020 Title IX regulations. Since the new Title IX regulations were released in May of 2020,…more
Administrative Hearings, Colleges, Educational Institutions, Evidentiary Hearings, Gender-Based Violence
The venture capital markets are experiencing a prolonged expansion in both the number and type of investors willing to make minority (non-controlling) investments. This heightened competition for investment opportunities and the…more
Due Diligence, Investors, Minority Equity Investments, Portfolio Companies, Private Equity
Many patent practitioners have experienced the benefits of examiner interviews in achieving compact patent prosecution. Examiner interviews allow practitioners and examiners to discuss subtle but sometimes significant technical…more
Briefing Schedule, Interviews, Patent Applications, Patent Examinations, Patent Prosecution
Earlier this year, Womble Bond Dickinson published a seven-part series discussing how delays in permitting for mining project could affect the ability to provide the minerals necessary to accomplish the energy transition. With…more
Critical Infrastructure Sectors, Energy Policy, Energy Sector, Mining, NEPA
The U.S. and the U.K. are focused on common national security risks, including preventing foreign access to key emerging technologies, the integrity of the defense supply chain, protection of critical infrastructure, and…more
CFIUS, Compliance, Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI), Critical Infrastructure Sectors, Defense Sector
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) announced its long-awaited final Negative Option Rule (the “Rule”) on October 16, 2024. “Negative Options” according to the FTC are arrangements “under which the consumer’s silence or failure…more
Amended Rules, Automatic Renewals, Cancellation Rights, Consumer Contracts, Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
As has been widely reported, Mexico recently adopted a constitutional amendment to overhaul its judiciary—most notably requiring popular elections for judges at all levels of the Mexican court system. Observers have widely…more
Constitutional Amendment, Dispute Resolution, Foreign Investment, Judges, Judicial Appointments
The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) released a Notice on the Federal Register (“the Notice”) today requesting public commentary and input on the current state of the experimental use exception. The USPTO is…more
Agricultural Sector, Biden Administration, Defense Strategies, Disclosure Requirements, Executive Orders
In a recent decision, the Georgia Supreme Court reaffirmed that under Georgia law, when an out-of-state corporation registers with the Georgia Secretary of State to conduct business in Georgia, it consents to general personal…more
DaimlerAG, Foreign Corporations, GA Supreme Court, Personal Jurisdiction, Petition for Writ of Certiorari
As of the distribution of this alert, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC or Commission) has not yet announced the deadline for this year’s regulatory fee payments. However, as the Commission has a statutory obligation to…more
Broadcasting, Data Collection, FCC, Fees, Filing Deadlines
Join us for a Womble Bond Dickinson webinar tailored for private equity and data center professionals. Discover the latest legal insights and strategies to navigate the complex landscape. We will explore the critical legal…more
Construction Contracts, Data Centers, Debt Financing, Economic Development, Equity Financing
This client alert was originally published in Monitor Daily. The march toward electric vertical takeoff and landing aircraft (eVTOL) certification is progressing, though some predict a delay in eVTOLs’ market entry. Leading…more
Aircraft, Artificial Intelligence, Electric Vehicles, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Research and Development
Last week, the Internal Revenue Service (the “IRS”) published limited initial guidance regarding key aspects of the changes brought about by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (the “Act”) to Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue…more
Compensation & Benefits, Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA), Covered Employees, Emerging Growth Companies, Executive Compensation
The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) finalized its fee schedule for 2025, which will take effect on January 19, 2025. This schedule includes significant increases to fees for design patent applications…more
Design Patent, Fees, Filing Fees, Intellectual Property Protection, Patent Applications
Following on from the announcement that the German Federal Constitutional Court (the "FCC") has upheld the complaint that, as it stands, the ratification of the Agreement on a Unified Patent Court (the "Agreement") is…more
Constitutional Challenges, Patents, Popular, Ratification, Unified Patent Court
Our colleagues previously reported on the United States Patent and Trademark Office’s (USPTO) patent fee schedule for 2025, and we now take this opportunity to provide you with our insights on the USPTO trademark fee schedule…more
Corporate Counsel, Filing Fees, Trademark Application, Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS), Trademarks
UPDATED 5/30/2024: Prop. 209 became law on December 5, 2022, but was immediately challenged by the Arizona Creditors Bar Association and several other organizations as unconstitutionally vague and internally inconsistent. Prop…more
Amended Legislation, Appeals, Arizona, Creditors, Debt Collection
As the summer Olympic Games are upon us, there will inevitably be instances of athletes being banned from the Games due to doping. The U.S. Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) is the body governing American Olympic and Paralympic…more
Athletes, Department of Transportation (DOT), Doping, Drug Testing, FMCSA
In the recent case of LKQ Corporation v. GM Global Technology Operations LLC, the en banc (for the first time in five years) Federal Circuit overruled the long-established Rosen-Durling test used for evaluating the obviousness…more
Design Patent, En Banc Review, Graham Factors, Guidance Update, Obviousness
The global finance industry has been undergoing a significant shift in recent years, with investment patterns showing a slow but steady pivot towards Low Income, Lower Middle Income, and Upper Middle Income nations, as…more
Africa, China, Electric Vehicles, Emerging Growth Companies, Energy Sector
On November 22, 2024, the U.S. Supreme Court granted two petitions for certiorari to review the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit’s (Fifth Circuit) en banc decision in Consumers’ Research v. Federal Communications…more
Administrative Agencies, Certiorari, Constitutional Challenges, En Banc Review, FCC
In a variation on a familiar refrain, the Fourth Circuit recently upheld the enforceability of another arbitration provision under the Federal Arbitration Act (“FAA”) in Santoro v. Accenture Federal Services, LLC. This time, the…more
American Express v Italian Colors Restaurant, Arbitration, Arbitration Agreements, Class Action Arbitration Waivers, Dodd-Frank
On March 22, the US International Trade Commission (ITC) issued the public version of its Commission Opinions (available here and here) in its very first case under the interim initial determination, or “Interim ID,” program…more
Administrative Law Judge (ALJ), Corporate Counsel, Design Patent, Hyundai, International Trade Commission (ITC)
Latin America has been the focus of considerable attention by the Biden Administration and the DOJ. Despite strong ties based on trade, shared values and democratic traditions, Latin America is being tested with new and…more
Anti-Corruption, Biden Administration, Department of Justice (DOJ),