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Pillar Two - Global Minimum Taxation and Ireland

The Irish Pillar Two rules apply to in-scope entities for accounting periods commencing on or after 31 December 2023. Following the GloBE Rules and the EU's Minimum Tax Directive, the rules introduce a minimum effective tax rate… more

Unlocking the Value of Your Contract Data

By effectively extracting data from contracts, organizations can gain valuable insights into their legal and financial obligations, opportunities for negotiation, and areas of risk, thereby making informed decisions that align with… more

Brazil Amps Up Enforcement of Data Protection Law

Actions in the last six months of the Brazilian National Data Protection Authority (“ANPD”) suggest that it intends to aggressively enforce the Brazilian Data Protection Law (“LGPD”). The LGPD applies to any entity that processes… more

The Due Diligence of an Asset Purchase

The due diligence of an asset purchase is quite often given less priority and attention than it should (read: must) warrant. An asset purchase transaction is often quite complex financially and legally. The buyer agrees to purchase… more

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