Latest Posts › UK Brexit


The New EU Geo-Blocking Regulation

“Geo-blocking” is the practice whereby traders operating in a country block or limit access to their online interfaces, such as websites or apps, by customers from other countries wishing to engage in cross-border...more

The UK Data Protection Authority Clarifies the Status of the BCRs It Approves

Brexit raises critical issues regarding the future transfer of personal data outside of the EU, not least as to the role of the UK Data Protection Authority, the Information Commissioner’s Office (“ICO”), and as to its...more

Brexit and Data Protection: The UK Government's New Data Protection Bill

The UK government has taken an additional step in its attempts to find a way to ensure uninterrupted data flows between the UK and the EU after Brexit. On 13 September 2017, the UK government introduced a draft Data...more

The Brexit Negotiations (1): What is the EU’s Opening Position?

The Brexit negotiations started yesterday. After months of speculation as to what will be their focus, it may be useful to recall the European Union’s opening position (which we outline below) and the United Kingdom’s opening...more

Brexit and Data Protection: The Impact on GDPR Compliance

As we wait for the UK to decide what arrangement it will seek with the European Union (the "EU") when it leaves, it may be useful to focus on what Brexit may mean for data protection. Two months after the European...more

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