Religious Use Law in South Florida
Rapid Transit Zones in Miami-Dade County
Real Estate Developer Rights When Cities Demand Too Much
Newsflash: Rockweed Not a Fish
On December 10, 2024, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) proposed to list the monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) as threatened under the federal Endangered Species Act (ESA). A proposed critical habitat designation...more
Traditionally, “down-zoning” referred to changes in zoning that reduced the intensity of land use – such as a switch from commercial to residential zoning. As with any general district zoning effort, historically in North...more
Courts are supposed to decide only the necessary things. They’re supposed to avoid weighing in on issues that don’t need a decision. Those principles came to a head in the Supreme Court of Virginia last month in Rebh v...more
Join us for a Womble Bond Dickinson webinar tailored for private equity and data center professionals. Discover the latest legal insights and strategies to navigate the complex landscape. We will explore the critical legal...more
On October 29, 2024, the Orange County Board of County Commissioners approved a new ordinance that will temporarily suspend all comprehensive plan text and map amendments, rezonings, and special exceptions, but provides a...more
Co-Author Abigail Lindsey The United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit addressed in an October 16th Opinion whether an alleged taking by a city was ripe for judicial review. See Fane Lozman v. City of Riviera...more
Looking to take some of the worry out of commercial real estate transactions? Then we highly recommend that you join us for our upcoming webinar: Risk Mitigation Strategies When Drafting Commercial Real Estate Purchase and...more
Since January 1, 2022, SB 9 has required local agencies to allow any lot in a single-family residential zone to be: (1) split, roughly into halves, with resulting lots as small as 1,200 sf (termed an “urban lot split”); and...more
As part of Mayor Eric Adams' "Get Stuff Built" initiative to increase housing supply and reduce regulatory constraints on new development, the New York City Planning Commission approved the Green Fast Track for Housing Rule...more
Use restrictions—once rigidly dictated by anchor tenants—are undergoing significant transformations leading to new opportunities for retailers and landlords. Historically, retailers wielded considerable influence, often...more
The New York City Council voted to approve a modified version of the City of Yes for Economic Opportunity (“COYEO”) text amendment, the second in a trio of City of Yes initiatives which aim to: (1) promote sustainability (the...more
On June 6, 2024, the Fairfax County, Virginia Planning Commission recommended approval of zoning ordinance amendments that will create new restrictions for data centers. The proposed ordinance will permit by-right data center...more
When are agreements entered into as part of the land use planning approval process an extension of that process, and therefore changeable through a future process, and when are they more akin to commercial contracts that will...more
In the realm of property law, caveats serve as a powerful tool for protecting interests in real estate. By registering a caveat on land titles, individuals or entities can assert a claim or encumbrance against a property,...more
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled on April 12, 2024, that the "Takings Clause" enshrined in the Fifth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution applies equally to legislative and administratively imposed land use permitting fees. Since...more
Fauquier County and Fairfax County are tightening zoning regulations for data center developments. In March, the Fauquier County Board of Supervisors approved zoning changes for the Vint Hill area's Planned Commercial...more
The Oregon Energy Facility Siting Council (EFSC) oversees the siting of large-scale energy facilities like wind and solar power projects, which often include an associated Battery Energy Storage System (BESS). BESS is a...more
As reported to our readers in August 2023, the California Supreme Court in Chevron U.S.A., Inc. v. County of Monterey, (2023) Cal. LEXIS 4349, struck down a Monterey County initiative that would have banned oil and gas...more
On March 28, 2024, British Columbia and the Council of the Haida Nation released the draft Gaayhllxid • Gíihlagalgang “Rising Tide” Haida Title Lands Agreement (“Draft Agreement”) which would recognize Haida Nation’s...more
On March 19, 2024, Assemblymember Buffy Wicks introduced new amendments to pending Assembly Bill (AB) 2243, which would amend AB 2011 (operative as of July 1, 2023). As explained in our prior legal alert, AB 2011 provides for...more
In addition to amending the Wetlands Protection Regulations to add performance standards for the Land Subject to Coastal Storm Flowage wetland resource area, MassDEP wants to update the Massachusetts Stormwater Management...more
On December 14, 2023, the Fauquier County Board of Supervisors adopted policy guidance for data center development. The Data Center Development Policy limits where data centers can be established and regulates various aspects...more
The United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit recently clarified how to determine whether a substantial burden on religious exercise exists for purposes of the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons...more
On January 9th of this year, the United States Supreme Court heard oral argument in Sheetz v. El Dorado County on an important issue related to impact fees imposed on development. Under existing law, if government requires an...more
The CEQA process can be daunting, but being appropriately informed by a knowledgeable guide will create opportunity and cost savings throughout the life of a project. Participate in this dynamic discussion and gain insights...more