News & Analysis as of

Personal Representatives

Warner Norcross + Judd

A Reminder of a Fiduciary’s Duty to Use Forms Approved by the State Court Administrative Office- UPDATED 12-23-2024

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This week, the Michigan Court of Appeals released its decision in In re Estate of Joel Solomon Weingrad, Docket No 360247, 2023 WL 3397437 (Mich Ct App May 11 2023) (unpublished), which stands for three principles in estate...more

Winstead PC

Court Affirmed A Judgment For An Estate Because The Personal Representative Participated In The Case

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In Charles v. Est. of Kornbacher, the estate sued a defendant regarding the ownership of real property. No. 01-23-00125-CV, 2024 Tex. App. LEXIS 2947 (Tex. App.—Houston [1st Dist.] April 30, 2024, no pet. history)....more

Foster Swift Collins & Smith

Legal-Ease: What Happens to a Family Member's Bank Account After Death?

Dear Jonathan: My father, a widower, passed away a couple of months ago. Being his only child, he appointed me as his agent on his durable power of attorney so that I can handle his bill paying which I have been doing for the...more

Warner Norcross + Judd

Michigan Court of Appeals Agrees that Personal Representative Could Not Pay Legal Fees from Estate Assets

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The Michigan Court of Appeals recently identified a situation in which the personal representative of an estate is not entitled to have attorney fees paid from estate assets. Braun Kendrick Finkbeiner, PLC, v. Estate of...more

Warner Norcross + Judd

How Should a Personal Representative Respond When Interested Persons Disagree Over Validity of a Proffered Will?

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The Michigan Court of Appeals recently issued a decision that offers guidance as to how a personal representative should respond when the interested persons disagree over the validity of a proffered will. In re Estate of...more

Bowditch & Dewey

What Happens if I Die Without a Valid Will in Massachusetts?

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As estate planning attorneys, a question that often arises with new and prospective clients is, “What happens if I die without a will?” The short answer is this: if you die without a valid will in Massachusetts, state law...more

Goulston & Storrs PC

Probate & Fiduciary Litigation Newsletter - November 2023

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This newsletter is intended to keep readers informed about developments in probate and fiduciary litigation in Massachusetts and New York. Our lawyers are at the forefront of this area of the law, shaping how it is handled in...more

Downey Brand LLP

A Risky Game: Can An Estate Representative Be Their Own Lawyer?

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You’ve probably heard that “He who represents himself has a fool for a client,” an adage dating back to the 17th century and commonly attributed to Abraham Lincoln (but not by me – I first heard it on an episode of...more


Clarity for third parties claiming against a Jersey estate – just what the doctor prescribed

Walkers on

For executors and administrators of estates it is important to have clarity as to the timeframes within which claims can be brought against the estate they are administering. Heirs and legatees can only bring a challenge...more

Warner Norcross + Judd

A Reminder of a Fiduciary’s Duty to Use Forms Approved by the State Court Administrative Office

Warner Norcross + Judd on

This week, the Michigan Court of Appeals released its decision in In re Estate of Joel Solomon Weingrad, Docket No 360247, 2023 WL 3397437 (Mich Ct App May 11 2023) (unpublished), which stands for three principles in estate...more

Winstead PC

Court Affirmed Removal Of An Administratrix For Gross Mismanagement

Winstead PC on

In In the Est. of Lemme, an administratrix of an estate hired her boyfriend to do legal work. No. 07-21-00300-CV, 2022 Tex. App. LEXIS 8829 (Tex. App.—Amarillo December 1, 2022, no pet. history). ...more

Ruder Ware

Authorization for Final Disposition

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Estate Planning Attorney Shanna Yonke explores Wisconsin’s default law regarding who gets to make decisions regarding the disposition of your body, funeral arrangements, and other matters that arise after your death.  She...more


Estate Administration in the British Virgin Islands: the Relevant Factors for the Removal of an Administrator or Executor

Conyers on

The holding company of many corporate groups trading in Asia is frequently incorporated in an offshore financial centre such as the British Virgin Islands (“BVI”). It is therefore common for high-net-worth individuals...more

Bowditch & Dewey

Anne Heche Estate Battle Highlights Importance of Selecting an Executor or Personal Representative for Your Estate

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In a tragic car accident, at age 53, actress Anne Heche, known best for her roles in Donnie Brasco, and Six Days, Seven Nights, passed away on August 11, 2022. Heche’s two sons, Homer (age 20) and Atlas (age 13), survived...more

Rivkin Radler LLP

CPLR 205(a) Can Only Be Invoked by the Original Plaintiff if Plaintiff Is Still Alive

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CPLR 205(a) is a well-known safety net in New York litigation, generally providing that a timely commenced action dismissed without prejudice can be refiled by “the plaintiff” within six months of dismissal, despite the...more

Bowditch & Dewey

Tales from the Docket – Business Halts Because Structure Failed to Address Succession Planning

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A client owned a very successful business, headquartered in Massachusetts with a flagship store in another New England state. The business structure was designed by corporate counsel to maximize creditor protection. It had...more

Downey Brand LLP

Another Broad Reading of the Elder Abuse Act Protects Seniors

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We “ring” in 2022 with a recent case that again shows the long reach of statutory financial elder abuse claims in California trust and estate litigation. In Ring v. Harmon (2021) ___ Cal.App.5th ___, the Court of Appeal...more

Goulston & Storrs PC

Probate & Fiduciary Litigation Newsletter - December 2021

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Daughter with Power of Attorney Had Burden to Show No Undue Influence over Father - Coscia v. Sweezey, 2021 WL 4765696 (Mass App. Ct. October 13, 2021) - Does holding a power of attorney from a parent in declining...more

Bowditch & Dewey

10 Reasons to Review Your Current Estate Plan

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Estate plans are supposed to be living documents that evolve over time. Generally, you should review your plan every 5 years to stay current, or whenever you or your beneficiaries have a major life event such as marriage, the...more

Bowditch & Dewey

Tales from the Docket – Single Parent Dies Without a Will

Bowditch & Dewey on

A divorced person died leaving 2 children under the age of 18 years of age. The decedent did not have a Last Will and Testament (“Will”), which means that we did not know who the decedent wished to nominate as the Personal...more

Ruder Ware

Estate Planning Considerations for Unmarried Individuals

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Estate planning is a process that must be customized to fit each individual’s unique situation.  Each individual has their own priorities and issues to address.  The priorities and issues for an unmarried individual are often...more

Ruder Ware

Step-By-Step Overview of Probate

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“Probate” is a legal term for the Court process of transferring assets out of a deceased person’s name and to that person’s heirs and/or beneficiaries. The difference between the term “heir” and the term “beneficiary” is...more

McDermott Will & Emery

Department of Labor Exemption Impacts Investment Advice Fiduciaries

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The US Department of Labor (DOL) recently issued guidance concerning a new exemption under the prohibited transaction provisions of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) in connection with the provision...more

Weintraub Tobin

Lest We Forget, Conservatees Have Personal Rights

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Conservatorship proceedings are commenced for a variety of reasons, but the most common circumstance is when an elderly person requires assistance, either with their medical care, or their financial affairs, or both, and that...more

Weintraub Tobin

The Tale Of Choupette The Cat And Other Common Issues In Trust And Estate Litigation

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When Karl Lagerfeld passed away in February of 2019 in France, many speculated that his cat, Choupette, was well provided for as part of his estimated $150 million estate. This pampered feline was much loved by Mr. Lagerfeld...more

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