Video: Artificial Intelligence Use in Political Campaigns
Mitigating Political-Law Risk
Early Returns Law and Politics with Jan Baran: Sean Cooksey Shares FEC Menu for 2024
[Podcast] Top 5 Takeaways from New Jersey’s 2023 Pay-to-Play Reform
[Podcast] New Year, New PAC: Have a Successful PAC Audit in 2023
Should Your Company Take a Stand on Political and Social Issues?
[Podcast] A Conversation with FEC Commissioner Shana Broussard
Pay to Play Risk is High due to New Jersey 2021 Elections: Reduce your risk now!
H.R. 1 – Disclosures, Disclaimers, and FEC Certifications: What Corporations, Non-Profits, and Trade Associations Need to Know
Political and Controversial Activity in the Workplace [More with McGlinchey Ep. 11]
Can Feds Force Companies to Disclose Political Spending?
Campaign Finance & Lobbying Compliance California: The City of Oxnard, California’s 2020 campaign finance limitations violate the First Amendment because the provisions—which appear to target a political outsider—are not...more
More Action By the FPPC Expected - Introduction to the Levine Act - In 2022, California lawmakers expanded the Levine Act (Government Code Section 84308) to apply to local elected officials....more
Campaign Finance & Lobbying Compliance - The Federal Election Commission (FEC) elected Vice Chair Ellen L. Weintraub as Chair and Commissioner James E. “Trey” Trainor, III as Vice Chairman for 2025 at its open meeting on...more
Now that the presidential election has concluded and 2024 is drawing to a close, it is worth looking back at one of the most consequential years for the Federal Election Commission (FEC) in recent memory. From expanding...more
Maine - On November 5, 2024, Maine residents voted in favor of passing a ballot measure that limits contributions from individuals, PACs and business entities to PACs “for the purpose of making independent expenditures” to...more
Campaign Finance & Lobbying Compliance - On November 26, 2024, the Federal Election Commission (FEC) published in the Federal Register a Notification of Availability of a Petition for Rulemaking in response to a Petition...more
Now that the 2024 election has passed, individuals and organizations must be mindful of special legal issues that arise from contributions made to, and expenses incurred for, federal, state or local inaugural or transition...more
In the November 2024 In-Compliance Round-Up, we cover the following: William J. McGinley, Partner at Holtzman Vogel, to Serve as Next White House Counsel - Jessica Furst Johnson: Pennsylvania Senator Bob Casey wants to...more
Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS) recently reported on trends in corporate political activity disclosures and related shareholder proposals over the past decade, noting that “[o]ver the past decade, shareholder...more
Campaign Finance & Lobbying Compliance The U.S. Supreme Court declined on Monday, November 18, 2024, to hear a challenge based on constitutional free speech protections to a voter-approved measure in Alaska that requires...more
Although election day has come and gone, contributors may still receive solicitations related to the 2024 elections. Those interested in making post-election campaign contributions may do so under certain circumstances....more
All federally registered PACs are required to file post-general election reports with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) by midnight EST on Thursday, December 5, regardless of their activity. This includes both monthly and...more
Welcome to Compliance Notes from Nossaman’s Government Relations & Regulation Group – a periodic digest of the headlines, statutory and regulatory changes and court cases involving campaign finance, lobbying compliance,...more
In this fraught election season and just before tomorrow’s important election day, the Center for Political Accountability has released its annual study, The 2024 CPA-Zicklin Index of Corporate Political Disclosure and...more
With only a few days before the election, New Jersey candidates and political committees are required to report when they receive contributions and make expenditures over $200 within 24 hours to the Election Law Enforcement...more
FEC UPDATE - FEC Declines to Impose New Restriction on Joint Fundraising Committee Television Solicitations - On October 10, the FEC considered whether joint fundraising committees may distribute television...more
Campaign Finance & Lobbying Compliance At its open meeting on October 10, 2024, the Federal Election Commission (FEC) approved an advisory opinion concluding that Congresswoman Nanette Barragán may use campaign funds to pay...more
Last week, the Supreme Court of Ohio announced the adoption of increased judicial campaign contribution limits beginning with the 2025 election cycle...more
On October 8, 2024, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit granted the state of Ohio’s motion to stay a preliminary injunction, previously issued by the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Ohio, against...more
Last week, California Governor Gavin Newsom signed a new law that amends key provisions of the state’s pay-to-play statute which limits political contributions by state and local contractors and their agents....more
Governor Newsom signed a bill on September 30 that will update the State’s “pay to play” campaign contribution law commonly known as the “Levine Act” starting on January 1, 2025. The Levine Act currently prohibits agency...more
In the midst of a national election cycle, now is a good time for investment advisers to refresh their understanding on the SEC’s Pay to Play Rule (the “Rule”) and related SEC staff guidance As demonstrated by a number of...more
What is New Jersey’s “pre-election rapid reporting?” Although you won’t find that term in the statute or regulations, it is the requirement for almost all political committees that are participating in an election in New...more
On September 24, 2024, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit temporarily stayed a preliminary injunction, previously issued by the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Ohio, against a portion of Ohio’s...more
Publicly-reported independent expenditure funding through September 17 was released this week for #MNLeg races. Read on to find out who’s spending big money in Minnesota to influence targeted House districts, and what this...more