On April 29, 2024, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) issued its Enforcement Guidance on Harassment in the Workplace (the “Guidance”). The Guidance sets forth the EEOC’s position on harassment that constitutes...more
Pre-pandemic, we were discussing the crucial skills young lawyers needed to master for success, and it’s striking to think that one of those was in-person presentation skills. While we have returned to face-to-face...more
In this ongoing saga, we’ve witnessed the rise of virtual gatherings over the past couple of years, with many of us now yearning to return to in-person interactions. So, which mode of meeting takes the crown? The answer might...more
On February 13, 2024, Public Act 214 of 2023 (“PA 214”) takes effect, amending Michigan's Open Meetings Act to give some public bodies greater freedom in holding electronic meetings....more
In Part One of the New Law Guidance series from Best Best & Krieger LLP (BBK), we cover important new legislation for 2024 related to public contracts, local agencies and public employees. Below we provide takeaways and...more
On October 8, 2023, Assembly Bill 557 (“AB 557”) sponsored by California Special Districts Association (CSDA) and introduced by Assembly Member Gregg Hart (D-37) was signed into law. This bill updates and amends the...more
You have an unlikely ally. A lot of employers are still trying to get their employees to come back to the office, with varying degrees of success. Once an employee loses the commute, and can work with both feet up, take a...more
Historically, a meeting necessarily meant a physical encounter. Indeed, the word "meet" can be traced to the Anglo Saxon word metan which means to encounter or meet. So it was that shareholder meetings involved the presence...more
In addition to extending the provisions pertaining to the expanded patio service of alcoholic beverages and the ability to sell alcoholic beverages for takeaway and delivery, Chapter 2 of the Acts of 2023, signed by Governor...more
Recently, the Illinois Appellate Court affirmed, in part, the dismissal of two claims under the Open Meetings Act (“OMA”) as time-barred under Section 3(a), which requires civil actions for OMA noncompliance to be filed...more
In Part Five of our “In With the New” series, Best Best & Krieger LLP covers important new legislation related to the Brown Act, environmental matters, and unions. Here we provide takeaways and analyses of AB 2449, SB 1100,...more
Magistrate Judge Elizabeth A. Pascal recently denied an unopposed Motion to Redact and Seal (“Motion”) portions of a transcript of a telephone conference with the Court. In denying the Motion, the Court found multiple...more
The Legislature passed three bills in 2022 that made changes to the Ralph M. Brown Act (“Brown Act”) effective January 1, 2023, summarized below. The Brown Act requires meetings of a local public agency’s governing body to be...more
Analyse et point d’étape concernant une possible évolution majeure de la règlementation applicable aux actes de télémédecine qui est actuellement portée par le PLFSS 2023 et en cours de discussion devant le Parlement - Le...more
With Governor Newsom’s announcement that the COVID-19 State of Emergency will be lifted in California effective February 28, 2023, many local public agencies are considering their next steps for returning to their boardrooms...more
Takeaways From New Laws AB 2449 and SB 1100 - A new bill signed into law in September, AB 2449, provides agencies with long-term permissions to hold remote meetings without having to give the public access to private...more
Headlines: ..OCC Publishes Security Standards for Video Teleconferencing With Agency Staff ..CFPB Imposes Civil Penalty and Customer Refunds for Authorized-Positive Overdraft Fees ..Treasury Department Recommends...more
The Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982 (TEFRA) requires a public hearing as a form of public approval for certain types of tax-exempt private activity bonds. Thanks to COVID-19, holding a hearing is easier than...more
Two New Bills Could Ease California’s Teleconferencing Restrictions for the Long-Term - As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the California Legislature previously passed AB 361 to allow for streamlined teleconferencing...more
Last year, the California legislature enacted AB 663 (Chen) in order to provide California corporations with greater flexibility to hold virtual-only meetings of shareholders. Among other things, AB 663 amended Corporations...more
On March 18, 2022, the IRS issued Revenue Procedure 2022-20, which permanently allows issuers of tax-exempt private activity bonds to hold TEFRA hearings via teleconference. Pursuant to § 147(f) of the Internal Revenue...more
On Wednesday, February 9, the Ohio House concurred in Senate amendments to House Bill 51. Of particular interest is an uncodified provision authorizing public meetings to be held by teleconference, video conference or other...more
As the number of new COVID-19 cases reached record levels, the First and Second Departments announced that beginning January 2022, and until further notice, oral arguments will be conducted virtually. The return to remote...more
On September 16, 2021, Governor Newsom signed Assembly Bill 361 (2021-2022) (“AB 361”), which incorporated into California state law some aspects of the teleconferencing rules that have applied by Executive Order to local...more
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has released Revenue Procedure 2021-39, which extends the time period for telephonic Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act (TEFRA) hearings until March 31, 2022. In response to the...more