News & Analysis as of

Electricity Public Projects

Holland & Knight LLP

Convoca Panamá licitación de largo plazo para energías renovables

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Se publicó el 15 de enero de 2024, en la Gaceta Oficial de la República de Panamá, la Resolución No. MIPRE-2024-0001384 "Que recomienda adoptar medidas para la contratación de potencia y/o energía para garantizar, en el largo...more


NSIP Action Plan: What does it mean for project promoters?


The Government’s Action Plan on how it proposes to improve the NSIP planning process has some good ideas, most of which amount to fine-tuning rather than a fundamental change. Whilst some of the changes may increase the cost...more

Hogan Lovells

DOE Awards $160M for Advanced Nuclear

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On October 13, 2020, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) awarded X-energy and TerraPower $80M each for their respective initiatives to build advanced nuclear reactors. The proposals were evaluated under the Advanced...more

Hogan Lovells

Basic considerations associated with the use of public-private partnerships (P3s) by colleges and universities with a focus on...

Hogan Lovells on

Higher education institutions increasingly leverage P3s to deliver campus projects, including with respect to energy and utility assets, instead of traditional project structures that involve the institution owning and...more

Pierce Atwood LLP

Rhode Island Issues New RFP for 400 MW of Renewable Energy; Bid Submissions Due October 2018

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National Grid, Rhode Island’s largest electric distribution company, has issued a request for proposals (RFP) for 10 - 15-year contracts for up to 400 MW of nameplate capacity of renewable energy and renewable energy...more

Pierce Atwood LLP

Rhode Island To Issue New RFP For 400 Megawatts of Clean Energy

Pierce Atwood LLP on

This week, Rhode Island Governor Gina M. Raimondo directed the Office of Energy Resources to work with the state’s utilities in issuing a request for proposals (RFP) for 400 megawatts of clean energy from solar, wind, and...more

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