[WEBINAR] Fairly (or Unfairly?) Traceable: Are Discharges Through Groundwater Subject to the Clean Water Act?
Both regulators and the regulated community must remain alert to accommodate the constantly changing regulatory scheme created in the post-Sackett world. The application of Maui and Sackett in recent months confirms the...more
November was an eventful month for the Clean Water Act (CWA). The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals issued two decisions last month—which will apply to cases and matters in California and other states within the Ninth...more
The Arkansas Department of Energy & Environment – Division of Environmental Quality (“DEQ”) and the United States Army Corps of Engineers (Memphis District) (“Corps”) entered into a January 24th Consent Administrative Order...more
Can the law that protects the quality of the nation's waters seep into groundwater below the surface? According to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit, which includes North Carolina in its...more