My secured lender clients sometimes contact me in desperation because they believe they cannot get their liens recorded on NC car titles. Their borrowers are not cooperating. Sometimes borrowers will fail to complete the...more
Dear Megan,
Congratulations on the completion of your 2L year! The rest of your law school career will pass a lot faster than you might think it will. The tedium of your 3L year will quickly give way to terror of the bar...more
Enterprising lawyers for debtors in Ch. 13 bankruptcies have now discovered a clever new way to inflict a $500 sting on lazy lenders who file sloppy claims. Nothing attracts lawyers like easy money. Now the word is out, at...more
District Court Takes Expansive View of Deceptive or Misleading Practices under FDCPA -
The FDCPA prohibits a debt collector from using "any false, deceptive, or misleading representation" in connection with the collection...more
/ Administrative Appointments ,
Article III ,
Collection Agencies ,
Consumer Financial Products ,
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) ,
Credit Reports ,
Debt Collection ,
Disclosure Requirements ,
Fees ,
Financial Services Industry ,
Foreclosure ,
Interest Accrual ,
Proposed Legislation ,
Safe Harbors ,
Strategic Enforcement Plan ,
Unfair or Deceptive Trade Practices
Bankruptcy is not a sure-fire remedy for credit union members in severe financial distress. While it can provide an avenue for escaping your promises to repay, it can also have some unintended, disagreeable consequences. I...more
MAYBE BOOMERS’ MUSIC WAS BETTER THAN TODAY’S MUSIC, but our clothes were ridiculous. We were self-centered libertines in youth, we cannot multitask, and we have a fetish for the telephone. Now we run the company. Until us...more