News & Analysis as of

Motion to Compel

Lewitt Hackman

Franchisee 101: Detailing Within a State Addendum

Lewitt Hackman on

A California federal court partially granted a motion to compel arbitration by car care franchisor Spiffy Franchising. However, the court invalidated provisions in the franchise agreement providing for dispute resolution in...more

McGuireWoods LLP

Another Decision Spawned by Ethical Scandal Highlights Wisdom of Considering All Evidentiary Protections

McGuireWoods LLP on

In the aftermath of the soap opera-like ethical scandal over an undisclosed romantic relationship between a Jackson Walker partner and a Texas bankruptcy judge, an Oregon federal court dealt with discovery of a renowned...more

Fuerst Ittleman David & Joseph

The Role of Delegation Clauses in Motions to Compel Arbitration When Your Family Member Signs an Arbitration Agreement

It happens every so often: someone signs an agreement to arbitrate legal claims, the agreement has a solid clause delegating arbitrability issues to an arbitrator, and then a member of that person’s family files a claim in...more

Lathrop GPM

California Federal Court Grants Franchisor’s Motion to Compel Arbitration but Finds Forum Selection and Choice of Law Clauses...

Lathrop GPM on

A federal court in California recently granted franchisor Spiffy Franchising, LLC’s motion to compel arbitration of a franchisee’s claims, but found the North Carolina forum selection and choice of law provisions in the...more

Zelle  LLP

Minnesota’s Amended Rule 30.02 Embraces the Era of Remote Depositions

Zelle LLP on

Minnesota Rule of Civil Procedure 30.02 has been amended to expressly authorize parties to conduct depositions via remote technology and require a party seeking to take a deposition to elect between deposing in-person or...more

Ervin Cohen & Jessup LLP

“Prejudice” No Longer an Element to Determine Waiver of Right to Compel Arbitration

Ervin Cohen & Jessup LLP on

In 2003, the California Supreme Court adopted a stringent test to determine whether an employer had waived its right to compel arbitration of an employee’s claims.  The most critical, and often determinative, factor was...more

Stange Law Firm, PC

What’s a motion to compel in family law litigation?

Stange Law Firm, PC on

Divorce and family law litigation can be gut-wrenching. When a judge makes decisions for a family regarding child custody, child support, spousal maintenance, and property division, it can be overwhelming for many....more

Lathrop GPM

Minnesota Federal Court Grants Furniture Store’s Motion to Compel Arbitration but Stays Rather than Dismisses Sales...

Lathrop GPM on

A federal court in Minnesota recently granted in part Ashley Furniture Industries’ motion to compel arbitration of a Minnesota-based sales representative’s claims. ABWB, Inc. v. Ashley Furniture Indus., LLC,2024 WL 4296900...more

Husch Blackwell LLP

NJ Court Rules Clickwrap Arbitration Clause Enforceable

Husch Blackwell LLP on

On March 31, 2022, a lawyer and her husband sustained personal injuries after their rideshare driver ran a red light and collided with another vehicle. The lawyer underwent numerous surgeries and other procedures after...more

Harris Beach Murtha PLLC

Uber’s Process for Obtaining Consent to Arbitration Upheld in NY Court

Harris Beach Murtha PLLC on

Addressing for the first time the validity of an arbitration agreement entered via an e-commerce application, the New York Court of Appeals recently held in Wu v Uber Technologies, Inc. that the email notification and...more

Seyfarth Shaw LLP

Arbitration Agreement Enforceable By Non-Signatory Alleged Joint-Employers

Seyfarth Shaw LLP on

Employees who sign an arbitration agreement with one company cannot avoid arbitration with related defendant-companies by arguing they were not parties to the agreement. The California Court of Appeal held that claims against...more

Lewitt Hackman

Beyond the Contract: Non-Signatories to an Arbitration Agreement Can Compel Arbitration

Lewitt Hackman on

Departing from the ruling in Soltero v. Precise Distribution earlier this year, the California Court of Appeal in the Second District in Gonzalez v. Nowhere Beverly Hills LLC, created a split of authority regarding an alleged...more

Foley & Lardner LLP

Louisiana Based Franchisor and Its Employees Cannot Avoid Personal Jurisdiction in Washington State

Foley & Lardner LLP on

Washington-state based franchisees Greg and Gabriela Skistimas brought suit against Hotworx Franchising LLC in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington alleging misleading and unfair practices related to...more

Lathrop GPM

Michigan Federal Court Grants Domino’s Motion to Compel Arbitration but Denied Motion to Dismiss Claims and Motion for Sanctions

Lathrop GPM on

A federal court in Michigan recently granted Domino’s motion to compel arbitration of a collective action relating to wage claims but denied Domino’s motion for sanctions and motion to dismiss, instead staying the case...more

Kohrman Jackson & Krantz LLP

Sixth Circuit Overturns Arbitration Clause in ERISA Lawsuit Against Kellogg

The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals recently reversed a Michigan District Court’s grant of a motion to compel arbitration and dismissal in an unpublished decision Fleming v. Kellogg Company et al., No. 23-1966....more

Ballard Spahr LLP

Ninth Circuit Refuses to Enforce Ticketmaster’s Mass Arbitration Procedures Notwithstanding the Federal Arbitration Act

Ballard Spahr LLP on

We previously wrote about a California federal district court decision in Heckman v. Live Nation Entertainment that denied Ticketmaster’s motion to compel arbitration of Sherman Act antitrust claims based in large part on the...more

Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP

PTAB Denies Motion to Compel Discovery of Evidence from Parallel ITC Investigation Due to Lack of Inconsistency

The PTAB denied a petitioner’s motion to compel routine discovery that sought information from a parallel ITC investigation for alleged inconsistent positions taken by patent owner in the IPR. The board found that patent...more

McGlinchey Stafford

Ohio Court Rules the Federal Arbitration Act Means What It Says and Finds an Order Compelling Arbitration and Staying a Case to...

McGlinchey Stafford on

In Beard, the buyers under a retail installment sales contract filed claims against the car dealership they purchased the vehicle from and the indirect auto finance company that ultimately financed the purchase. In response,...more

EDRM - Electronic Discovery Reference Model

Court-Ordered Production of a “Destruction/Unavailable” Log

I have never heard of a “destruction/unavailable” log; however, in the comprehensive – indeed, exhaustive – decision of Leprino Foods Co. v. Avani Outpatient Surgical Center, Inc., 2024 WL 4488711 (C.D. Ca. Sep. 30, 2024),...more

Fuerst Ittleman David & Joseph

Does the Failure to Comply With a Pre-suit Mediation Clause Result in the Waiver of the Right to Arbitration? Only the Arbitrator...

Florida’s Second district court of appeal recently issued another opinion in the long line of decisions to determine the gatekeeping question of arbitration under the Revised Florida Arbitration Code, §§ 682.01, Fla. Stat.,...more

Carlton Fields

NJ Court Finds No Waiver of Arbitration Rights in FDCPA Case, Grants Motion to Compel

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In Hejamadi v. Midland Funding LLC, the U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey, on remand from the Third Circuit Court of Appeals, addressed whether the defendants waived their rights to compel arbitration of the...more

Lathrop GPM

Michigan Federal Court Grants Motion to Dismiss Claims Against One Owner of Franchisor, Denies Motion to Dismiss Claims Against...

Lathrop GPM on

A federal court in Michigan recently granted a motion to dismiss for lack of personal jurisdiction against one owner of a franchisor, while denying the motion to dismiss against the other owner and granting the franchisor’s...more

Kohrman Jackson & Krantz LLP

What Happens When the Court That Ordered Arbitration Lacked Jurisdiction In the First Place?

Once is legally interesting, twice is a trend, and three times is a message. In the last seven years, at least three federal appeals courts (two very recently) have held, following an arbitration ordered by a district court,...more

Troutman Pepper Locke

Fourth Circuit Affirms Denial of Motion to Compel Arbitration Finding Duty to Read a Contract Does Not Encompass Scrolling Through...

Troutman Pepper Locke on

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit recently affirmed a district court’s decision denying a defendant’s motion to compel arbitration, underscoring the importance of clear and conspicuous notice in online...more

Hinshaw & Culbertson - Lawyers for the...

Arbitration Clause in Attorney-Client Agreement Deemed Unenforceable Due to Lack of Informed Consent

Bryan Dick-Ipsen v. Humphrey, Farrington & McClain, P.C., et al., 2024 IL App (1st) 241043 - Brief Summary - The First District Appellate Court in Illinois affirmed the trial court's denial of a defendant law firm's motion to...more

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