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All Eyes on PAGA Reform

On June 18, 2024, California’s Governor Newsom announced that an agreement has been reached with business groups to reform the current Private Attorneys’ General Act (“PAGA”). This agreement follows a proposed November 2024 ballot… more

NEPA at the Supreme Court

Does the National Environmental Policy Act require an agency to consider environmental impacts beyond the proximate effects of actions within the agency's jurisdiction? That's the question that the U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to take… more

SCOTUS Upholds MFT: Moore Et Ux v. US

On June 20, 2024, the Supreme Court released its opinion in Moore et ux v. US, authored by Kavanaugh, decided by 6-3 vote and marking a rare instance for the Court to interpret the 16th Amendment, upholding the constitutionality and… more

The Basics of Trade Secrets

Major League Baseball (MLB) pitchers do not use brand new baseballs. They need a solid grip to prevent wild pitches, and out-of-the-box baseballs are too slick. So to prepare a baseball for game use, an equipment manager rubs it with… more

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