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Business Organization Wills, Trusts, & Estates

Read Business Organization updates, alerts, news, and legal analysis from leading lawyers and law firms:
Thomas Fox - Compliance Evangelist

Compliance Tip of the Day: Compliance, Ethics and Your Supply Chain

Welcome to “Compliance Tip of the Day,” the podcast where we bring you daily insights and practical advice on navigating the ever-evolving landscape of compliance and regulatory requirements. Whether you’re a seasoned...more

Thomas Fox - Compliance Evangelist

Innovation in Compliance: Supporting White Collar Offenders - A Conversation with Jeff Grant

Innovation comes in many areas and compliance professionals need to not only be ready for it but embrace it. Join Tom Fox, the Voice of Compliance as he visits with top innovative minds, thinkers and creators in the...more

Thomas Fox - Compliance Evangelist

Daily Compliance News: February 18, 2025 The Huge Mistake Edition

Welcome to the Daily Compliance News. Each day, Tom Fox, the Voice of Compliance, brings you compliance-related stories to start your day. Sit back, enjoy a cup of morning coffee, and listen in to the Daily Compliance...more


NASAA Supports Reasonable Post-Term Non-Competes in Franchise Agreements

Polsinelli on

Last year saw non-compete agreements come under repeated scrutiny from the Federal Trade Commission. On April 23, 2024, the FTC issued a final rule banning non-compete agreements in most employment contracts....more


California Reintroduces Legislation to Restrict Private Equity Management of Health Care Providers

Polsinelli on

The California legislature has introduced a bill that would implement some of the same restrictions on private equity health care investments as last year’s AB 3129....more

Akerman LLP - HR Defense

New Pay Transparency Laws in Effect in 2025 – What Employers Need to Know

Multistate employers are likely already aware of challenges in tracking and complying with various state and local laws governing pay transparency in the recruitment and hiring process. Now, even as Diversity, Equity, and...more

Farrell Fritz, P.C.

New Year, New Law – New Opacity – for LLC Owner Disputes

Farrell Fritz, P.C. on

New York’s appellate courts are breaking new ground in 2025. Until a month ago, I would have said that “deadlock” most certainly is not enough on its own to dissolve a New York LLC....more

Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP

Reshaped Priorities: Navigating Changes to FCPA and FARA Enforcement

On February 10, 2025, President Donald Trump signed an Executive Order directing the Department of Justice (DOJ) to pause enforcement of the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), citing concerns over the competitive...more

International Lawyers Network

Establishing a Business Entity in Finland (Updated)

1. TYPES OF BUSINESS ENTITIES AVAILABLE IN FINLAND - The most common forms of business entities in Finland are a limited liability company, a general or a limited partnership, and a co-operative. It is also possible to run...more


ICE Raids and Increased Immigration Enforcement Are Here - Is Your Business Prepared?

BakerHostetler on

With the new Trump administration in place, immigration enforcement is already ramping up. Employers across various industries – including hospitality, agriculture, construction, healthcare and manufacturing – have begun...more

Venable LLP

Understanding Trade Secret Laws and Assets

Venable LLP on

For companies, maintaining a competitive advantage over the market is necessary for long-term growth. In many cases, this competitive advantage takes the form of a federal- or state-protected trade secret, such as a...more

Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP

Preparing Organisations for the New UK Failure to Prevent Fraud Offence

Fraud is the most common offence in the UK, amounting to 41% of all crime.  On 26 October 2023, the UK’s long-awaited Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act 20232  (the Act) received Royal Assent, setting out...more


SEC Staff Issues New Guidance on Shareholder Proposals and Rescinds Staff Legal Bulletin No. 14L

WilmerHale on

On February 12, 2025, the SEC’s Division of Corporation Finance issued Staff Legal Bulletin No. 14M (SLB 14M), which rescinds prior Staff Legal Bulletin No. 14L (SLB 14L) and provides updated guidance on shareholder proposals...more

Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics...

[Event] Compliance Auditing & Monitoring Workshop - May 19th - 20th, Orlando, FL

Learn the keys to effective compliance auditing and monitoring - The auditing and monitoring process is critical to a compliance program’s success, in that it provides ongoing assessment of processes, procedures, and...more

Latham & Watkins LLP

Shareholder Engagement Practices Under New SEC Guidance on Schedule 13G Eligibility: FAQs

Latham & Watkins LLP on

The SEC Staff recently issued new guidance (C&DI 103.12) on how a shareholder’s engagement with a company’s management could disqualify the shareholder from using the SEC’s short-form Schedule 13G....more

Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP

Delaware Corporate Law: Recent Trends and Developments

On January 28, 2025, Skadden hosted a webinar on recent developments in Delaware corporate law. Skadden partners Howard Ellin (Mergers and Acquisitions/New York), Ed Micheletti (Litigation/Wilmington) and Jenness Parker...more

Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt PC

Federal Government Small Business Contracting Goals

Federal government agencies propound small business contracting goals that guide other agencies with regard to how much of their contracting dollars should be awarded to small businesses. The SBA conducts an annual review and...more

McDermott Will & Emery

SB 951 Revives Restrictive Oregon Law on Corporate Practice of Medicine

McDermott Will & Emery on

On January 10, 2025, the Oregon Legislative Counsel introduced Senate Bill (SB) 951, aiming to modernize Oregon’s corporate practice of medicine (CPOM) doctrine. If enacted, SB 951would prohibit management services...more

Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt PC

Transaction Q+A: What Private Business Owners Should Know Before Selling

Brian Andreosky, President of Aldrich Capital Advisors, and lawyer Matt Bisturis, Shareholder at Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt, P.C., discuss steps that private company owners should consider before, during, and after sale of...more

Eversheds Sutherland (US) LLP

SALT Scoreboard - Quarter 4, 2024

This is the fourth edition of the Eversheds Sutherland SALT Scoreboard for 2024. Since 2016, we have tallied the results of what we deem to be significant taxpayer wins and losses and analyzed those results. Our entire SALT...more

Cooley LLP

Whoa! ISS Updates Its Voting Policies (Again) to No Longer Consider Board Diversity

Cooley LLP on

In a rare move to update its voting policies in the midst of proxy season, ISS issued this press release stating it will no longer consider a board’s gender, racial or ethnic diversity when making director election...more

Cooley LLP

SEC Staff Adopts Significant New Guidance Affecting Shareholder Proposals and Engagement

Cooley LLP on

On February 11 and 12, 2025, the staff of the Division of Corporation Finance (Staff) of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) provided a pre-Valentine’s Day treat for public companies and shareholders to digest in the...more

Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati

Everything Old Is New Again for Shareholder Proposals: SEC Division of Corporation Finance Issues Staff Legal Bulletin No. 14M

On February 12, 2025, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the Commission) Division of Corporation Finance staff (the staff) issued Staff Legal Bulletin No. 14M (SLB 14M) to provide informal guidance on shareholder...more

Amundsen Davis LLC

NLRB’s Acting General Counsel Rescinds Biden-Era Guidance Memorandums

Amundsen Davis LLC on

On February 14, 2025, William Cowen, the acting general counsel (“GC”) for the National Labor Relations Board (“Board”) rescinded several Guidance Memorandums that were previously issued by the Board’s former GC, Jennifer...more

Offit Kurman

Office Romance: Navigating Workplace Relationships and Managing Legal Risks

Offit Kurman on

Dear Sarah, Two of my employees have started dating, and I’m worried it might affect their work or lead to complaints from others. Should we have a formal policy on workplace relationships? Are we even allowed to have such a...more

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