Making the Lawyer-Client Relationship Work in Challenging Litigation – Speaking of Litigation Video Podcast
California Governor’s PAGA Deal: What Employers Need to Know - Employment Law This Week®
#WorkforceWednesday: Protecting Trade Secrets with E-Discovery - Employment Law This Week® - Spilling Secrets Podcast
Episode 321 -- Review of the EU Whistleblowing Directive wih Alex Cotoia and Daniela Melendez
Litigating Nutrition: Class Action Battles Over Dietary Supplements – Speaking of Litigation Video Podcast
“They Said What?! I’ll Sue!” – Litigating Defamatory Claims – Speaking of Litigation Video Podcast
Mass Torts vs. Class Actions: A Tale of Two Strategies
What to Do If the Government Knocks on Your Company’s Door … or Breaks It Down – Speaking of Litigation Podcast
JONES DAY TALKS®: Collective Actions in Spain: A Look Around and the View Ahead
Injunctions for All – Speaking of Litigation Podcast
Brett Burney Chats with the Leaders of a Data-Driven, Technology-Enabled Law Firm
Counterclaims and Counterpunching to a Lawsuit – Speaking of Litigation Podcast
JONES DAY TALKS®: Class Actions Worldview Guide: Part 1–The United States and European Union
#WorkforceWednesday: When a Restrictive Covenant Dispute Goes Beyond the Injunction Phase - Employment Law This Week® - Spilling Secrets Podcast
Navigating Legal Risk in Real Estate Development - Speaking of Litigation Podcast
AI Takes the Stand - Speaking of Litigation Podcast
#WorkforceWednesday: How to Pursue Damages in Trade Secrets Litigation - Employment Law This Week® - Spilling Secrets Podcast
The New Playbook for Depositions - Speaking of Litigation Podcast
JONES DAY PRESENTS®: The Mechanics of Multidistrict Litigation: Streamlining Complex Cases
PODCAST: Williams Mullen's Benefits Companion - Court Decisions Impacting Plan Sponsors and Fiduciaries
In a long-awaited decision in Restaurant Law Center v. US Department of Labor, the US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit vacated a US Department of Labor (DOL) regulation governing the way tipped employees are paid,...more
On September 13, the CFPB filed a complaint against a nonbank corporation and its CEO, alleging that the company engaged in deceptive and abusive acts through misleading advertising and unjustified, exorbitant fees related to...more
California law has changed. The change now makes it easier for California litigants to sue their opponents for fraudulently breaching a contract. Lawyers who negotiate and draft agreements subject to California law should...more
An Ohio appellate court, reversing a summary judgment decision, recently held that the “full-time efforts” section of an Area Representative Agreement was applicable only to the area representative entity and not the...more
Many corporations pay significant amounts for directors and officers liability policies. Commonly referred to as D&O policies, these policies usually involve three sides. Directors and officers are likely to have the most...more
A federal court in Michigan has granted a franchisor’s motion for preliminary injunction against former franchisees for violating the franchise agreements’ post-termination noncompete provisions. 1-800 Water Damage Int’l LLC...more
Do you know what cookies your company’s website is using? If not, you likely do not know whether your company’s website is honoring users’ data protection choices involving the use of cookies. You should know and care so your...more
Recently, the Small Business Administration ("SBA") issued a proposed rule, which could significantly alter the status quo for permissible negative control. Impacted small businesses and their minority shareholders and...more
New York recently enacted the Retail Worker Safety Act (RWSA), which takes effect on March 4, 2025, requiring certain retail employers to develop and implement protocols aimed at preventing violence in the workplace. Among...more
Success in defending against a personal injury lawsuit starts with the business’s response to the injury-inducing event. Personal injury lawsuits often turn on evidence that is created at the scene of the alleged injury. A...more
Many Americans value domestically made goods. A “Made in USA” label can hold special meaning for these consumers, as it serves as a symbol of patriotism, a sign of quality craftsmanship, and a show of solidarity with local...more
Following feedback from industry and other stakeholders, the Payments Systems Regulator published a consultation paper on reducing the maximum level of reimbursement for the Faster Payments APP fraud reimbursement limit from...more
This new report sets out four thematic findings from the follow-up work the FCA has carried out, which are as follows: The FCA summarizes its expectations of payment account providers, including in respect of the Consumer...more
Imagine that your company has just been sued by a competitor for patent infringement, deceptive advertising, unfair competition, or any number of other business torts. The news of the lawsuit has been reported in various...more
In a blog post this morning, Liz Dunshee notes that the Securities and Exchange Commission has recently announced the settlement seven more cases involving Rule 21F-17(a), which provides...more
From 1984 until June 2024, a reviewing court had to defer to a federal agency’s reasonable interpretation of ambiguous statutes, even if the court would have interpreted the statute differently. In June 2024, the U.S. Supreme...more
In the world of business divorce litigation, this summer saw everything but a slowdown. We witnessed (and blogged about) Justice Crane cap a long-running fair value proceeding with helpful guidance on appraisals and...more
As an attorney and mediator who specializes in professional liability cases and issues affecting lawyers and their firms, I’ve learned that while the fact patterns and circumstances of every case are different, even the best...more
The Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS or the Committee) has launched a new CFIUS Enforcement webpage, highlighting the Committee's heightened focus on "increasingly exercising its enforcement...more
In a prior LLC Jungle post — Think Carefully Before Forming an “Out of State” LLC — we reviewed a published opinion (Boschetti v. Pacific Bay Investments Inc.) holding that a claim for Judicial Dissolution of an LLC was...more
On September 5, 2024, New York Governor Kathy Hochul signed into law the Retail Worker Safety Act, a bill amending the New York Labor Law to impose certain workplace violence prevention requirements on covered retail...more
The Virginia Court of Appeals recently issued a consequential trade secrets ruling, reversing a jury’s multi-billion dollar damages award, and finding that the trial court committed several legal errors which improperly led...more
Companies should brace for another surge in California Invasion of Privacy Act (CIPA) claims after two federal court decisions may encourage plaintiffs to file even more claims relating to website analytics tools. No industry...more
As an evolving area of commercial disputes in the Cayman Islands, global enforcement trends provide us with valuable insight into the types of regulatory proceedings on the horizon for offshore jurisdictions. In this first...more
The Petition - On September 5, 2024, Steel Dynamics, Inc, Nucor Corporation, United States Steel Corporation, Wheeling-Nippon Steel, Inc., and the United Steel, Paper and Forestry, Rubber, Manufacturing, Energy, Allied...more