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Please note: The below information may require updating, including additional clarification, as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to develop. On Friday, August 13, 2021, OSHA updated its COVID-19 Guidance to complement the…more
Coronavirus/COVID-19, Guidance Update, Infectious Diseases, Masks, OSHA
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Kilpatrick’s Alton Absher and Andie Anderson recently presented “Updates in Standard Essential Patent Licensing and Litigation” at the firm’s annual 2024 Advanced Patent Law Seminar. This full-day seminar featured discussions on…more
Claim Construction, FRAND, Inequitable Conduct, Inter Partes Review (IPR) Proceeding, Patent Litigation
On December 6, 2019, the governor of New York signed into law the New York Uniform Voidable Transactions Act (“NYUVTA”). N.Y. DEBT. & CRED. §§ 270-281. Until the occurrence of that event, New York had adhered for 95 years to the…more
Bankruptcy Code, Fraudulent Transfers, Uniform Voidable Transactions Act (UVTA)
Does your company produce products or packaging that ultimately winds up in landfills? If so, are you aware that you may be defined as a “producer” under new state laws and required to comply with new regulations to reduce the…more
Landfills, Manufacturers, Product Packaging, Recycling, Waste Management
The SEC recently adopted new rules (the “Private Fund Rules”) that will require additional reporting requirements and impose restrictions on certain activities of investment advisers to private funds (“Private Funds”). While…more
Investment Adviser, Investment Advisers Act of 1940,