12 Days of Regulatory Insights: Day 12 - Redefining Online Gaming — Regulatory Oversight Podcast
Esports Fantasy Contests: Where We've Been, And Where We're Going
TortsCenter Podcast | Episode 5 | Higher Standards or Higher Stakes
The Briefing: Another Court Gets It Right in Tattoo Copyright Dispute (Podcast)
The King of Donkey Kong: Conversations with a Video Game Industry Icon with Garry Kitchen, Legendary Video Game Designer and Expert Witness
The Future of Virtual Reality in Sports with Bob Tetiva, Founder & CEO, Sense Arena
Designing Video Games: The Artist’s Perspective, With Chris Perna, Digital Artist and Former Art Director at Epic Games
The Current State of Live Esports with Rebecca Longawa, Founder & President at Happy Warrior and Chief Operating Officer at Native Gaming
Welcome to the Major League: An In-House Counsel Perspective with Mandy Petrillo, Assistant General Counsel, Fenway Sports Group Boston
A New Solution for Online Gambling Companies with Eric Frank, CEO, Odds On Compliance
Splinterlands and Blockchain Gaming With Aggroed Lighthacker, CEO, Splinterlands
Employment and Workplace Discrimination Issues In Esports With Ruth Rauls and Lisa Koblin
The Esports Trade Association With Megan Van Petten, Founder, ESTA
The Roblox Gaming Platform: Imagination In Action With Ari Staiman, President, Roblox China
Starting an Esports Franchise With Guests Brett Diamond and Annie Scott Riley of Version1 and the Minnesota ROKKR
The Social Impact of Video Games With Guest Ryan Johnson of Social Cxmmunity
The Rise of Mobile Gaming and Esports Gambling With Guest Anthony Gaud of G3 Esports
Wanna Bet? Gambling in Esports
E-Sports: What You Should Know About the Industry
Red Tape Redemption: Global Regulation of Video Games
The CFPB’s proposal, its first attempt to regulate cryptocurrencies and stablecoins, is unlikely to survive the administration change....more
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has proposed an interpretive rule aimed at addressing what it views as ambiguities in the application of the Electronic Fund Transfer Act (EFTA) and its implementing Regulation...more
A recap of some of the most widely read Gaming Law news, updates, and analysis published on JD Supra throughout 2024....more
This edition of the Public Company Watch highlights critical updates and regulatory changes affecting public companies. Staying informed on these topics is crucial for effective compliance and strategic planning. Highlights...more
In the 12th and final episode of our 12 Days of Regulatory Insights podcast series, Cole White, a member of Troutman Pepper's Regulatory Investigation, Strategy, and Enforcement (RISE) practice group, is joined by Stephen...more
Counsel Ben Wanger discusses the 2024 Global Gaming Expo with Heath Renfroe from Fenix24 and Alexandra Bretschneider from Johnson Kendall Johnson....more
The French Supreme Court (Cour de cassation) recently ruled that the principle of exhaustion of rights, which allows consumers to resell physical copies of video games without the consent of the publisher, does not apply to...more
Effective January 1, 2025, a new California consumer protection law will require sellers of digital goods to more clearly communicate whether consumers are purchasing unrestricted ownership to that digital good or merely...more
The fantasy sports market was valued at $30.5 billion in 2023. Every year, the industry inches closer to nationwide legalization and regulation. In addition to state law amendments, federal laws and state common law...more
The Association of National Advertisers (ANA) held its annual Masters of Advertising Law Conference November 11-13 in sunny Scottsdale, Arizona, and wow, children’s advertising and privacy was a hot-button topic at the...more
Among the several provisions on the ballot in the recent election, Missouri citizens voted for Amendment 2, which will legalize online and retails sports betting. The amendment won by a small margin of less than 7,500 votes....more
In a significant regulatory development, the UAE has established the General Commercial Gaming Regulatory Authority (GCGRA). The GCGRA’s creation signals a shift in the legal landscape of commercial gaming in the region,...more
Curaçao, renowned as one of the most popular jurisdictions in the online gaming industry, is launching a significant reform in its licensing and supervision of gaming companies. This reform is part of a broader legislative...more
In this episode of “Lawyers With Game,” host Darius Gambino from Saul Ewing’s Video Gaming & Esports Practice chats with Jason Barclay, Chief Legal Officer and Head of Public Policy at PrizePricks. Jason explains how...more
All eyes in the gaming industry are on Missouri to see if it will become the 39th state to legalize sports wagering. On Nov. 5, Missourians will vote on six amendments, one of which brings legalizing and regulating sports...more
On October 28, 2024, The Sports Prophets Inc. (“Defendant”) was sued in the United States District Court for the Northern District of California for allegedly violating the Internal Do Not Call (“DNC”) list compliance...more
The Illinois Gaming Board (IGB) held its monthly meeting on Thursday, Oct. 24, 2024. The meeting was hybrid with in-person accessibility at 160 N. LaSalle St., 5th Floor Auditorium and via livestream. Board members present at...more
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is taking the plunge into gambling, with the publication of commercial gaming regulations and licensing materials. The good news for interested investors and licensees is that the regulatory and...more
Court Finds Mass Arbitration Bellwether and Delegation Provisions Unconscionable - The district court for the Northern District of California recently denied a defendant’s motion to compel arbitration and, in so ruling,...more
The district court for the Northern District of California recently denied a defendant’s motion to compel arbitration and, in so ruling, found that a bellwether provision related to mass arbitrations was unconscionable. Avia...more
The legal sports betting industry raked in $11 billion last year, plus billions in tax revenues for states. You can’t get through a 30-second TV timeout without 90 seconds of commercials for legal gaming sites. Since 2018...more
On August 28, the CFPB issued a Consumer Advisory warning that it believes video game companies are targeting children for monetary gain. With 45.7 million U.S. children engaged in video gameplay, the agency is concerned...more
The Illinois Gaming Board (IGB) held its monthly meeting on Thursday, Sept. 12, 2024. The meeting was hybrid with in-person accessibility at 160 N. LaSalle St., 5th Floor Auditorium and via livestream. Board members present...more
In this episode of TortsCenter, hosts Carla Varriale-Barker and Courtney Dunn welcome Jason Van’t Hof, the Vice President of Investigations at IC 360. Jason shares his extensive experience in monitoring integrity in sports...more
Summary - In its judgement of 11 July 2024 (C-757/22), the European Court of Justice (‘ECJ’) ruled that the violation of a controller’s information obligations under Art. 12 and 13 GDPR, can be subject to a representative...more