News & Analysis as of

Professional Disciplinary Actions

Constangy, Brooks, Smith & Prophete, LLP

You be the judge: Does this ADA plaintiff have a case?

Based on a real lawsuit. Names have been changed to protect the innocent. Facts may not be 100 percent accurate. PART ONE: Imagine you're the boss. You run a fast-food franchise, Flippin' Burgers. You hire Gwendolyn to...more

Lowenstein Sandler LLP

TD Bank to Pay Historic $3 Billion Over AML Compliance Violations

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On October 10, 2024, multiple U.S. federal and state agencies cumulatively fined a number of US based Toronto Dominion Bank subsidiaries (collectively, TD Bank or the Bank) more than $3 billion after finding that TD Bank...more

Goodell, DeVries, Leech & Dann, LLP

Generative AI and Legal Ethics

The number of lawyers sanctioned for citing fake cases or quotes created by Generative Artificial Intelligence tools continues to grow. Earlier this summer, U.S. District Judge Thomas Cullen ordered counsel to show cause as...more

Rumberger | Kirk

Viewpoint: Early Action Key to Mitigating Risk in Professional Liability Claims

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Professional liability claims impact a multitude of professions, including those in the legal, medical, financial and insurance industries. Claims for malpractice, breach of contract, breach of fiduciary duty and related...more

Zelle  LLP

Narcissistic Lawyers and Artificial Intelligence: A band of dysfunctional brothers?

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“Your honor, no artificial intelligence was used to generate content in this document. However, we would also like to disclose that there is someone in the courtroom who exhibits highly narcissistic traits and, therefore, is...more

Jackson Lewis P.C.

Gender Identity Protections: Transgender Harassment, Reverse Discrimination Cases Allowed by Courts

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Two cases show that courts consider alleged harassment or discrimination based on transgender or cisgender status to be colorable under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. Vacating summary judgment for the employer, a federal...more

Weintraub Tobin

California Employment News: Effective Disciplinary Procedures and Policies (Podcast)

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Having a fair and meaningful disciplinary process can be a helpful tool for employers to improve employee performance. In this episode of California Employment News, employment attorneys Meagan Bainbridge and Nikki Mahmoudi...more

Weintraub Tobin

California Employment News: Effective Disciplinary Procedures and Policies

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Having a fair and meaningful disciplinary process can be a helpful tool for employers to improve employee performance. In this episode of California Employment News, employment attorneys Meagan Bainbridge and Nikki Mahmoudi...more

Tucker Arensberg, P.C.

Confidentiality Provision of Educator Discipline Act Ruled Unconstitutional

Tucker Arensberg, P.C. on

Pennsylvania’s Educator Discipline Act governs educator misconduct complaints filed with the Department of Education for investigation and, if warranted, discipline. 24 Pa. Stat. Ann. § 2070.9. Once a misconduct complaint is...more

Bass, Berry & Sims PLC

Alaska Adopts New Out-of-State Pharmacy Requirements

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On January 19, the Alaska Board of Pharmacy (Board) announced statutory and regulatory changes that significantly impact “Out-of-State” (non-resident) Pharmacy registration requirements, impose additional licensure...more

King & Spalding

Recent Enforcement Trends Regarding the Use of Off-Channel Communications on Personal Devices

King & Spalding on

What U.K. Firms Need to Know - INTRODUCTION - Over the past decade, the use of messaging applications, such as WhatsApp, for business purposes as an alternative to traditional email has grown exponentially. Ease of use...more

Mintz - Health Care Viewpoints

California Legislative Update: Reproductive and Gender Affirming Care Rights and Protections

Governor Gavin Newsom recently signed multiple bills into law as part of California’s ongoing efforts to safeguard access to reproductive and gender affirming health care. The new laws are intended to increase protections for...more

Troutman Pepper Locke

Water Cooler Talk: Office Drug Abuse Insights From 'Industry'

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The Max TV series “Industry” exaggerates —and occasionally glamorizes —illicit drug use in the workplace. However, in real life, employee substance use and addiction can raise significant issues. According to the Society for...more

Kerr Russell

Are Your Remote Workers Too Remote?

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For a time, this seemed to increase employee productivity, likely arising from many factors, particularly including employees being able to work longer hours due to a lack of commute to work. In fact, studies have shown that...more


Recent Developments in South Korea’s Anti-Discrimination Laws

Littler on

In the past several years, South Korea has taken significant steps towards strengthening its employment anti-discrimination law.  Although no comprehensive anti-discrimination law has yet passed, employers in Korea must take...more

Holland & Knight LLP

Religious Institutions: Update June 2023

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In Ratliff v. Wycliffe Assoc., Inc., No. 6:22-cv-1185-PGB-RMN, 2023 WL 3688082 (M.D. Fla. May 26, 2023), the plaintiff, a software developer, sued the defendant, a Bible translation ministry, for sex discrimination under...more

Dorsey & Whitney LLP

The Supreme Court Update - May 22, 2023

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Today, the Supreme Court of the United States issued one decision: Calcutt v. Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., No. 21-714: This case involved review of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.’s (FDIC) disciplinary order...more

Goodell, DeVries, Leech & Dann, LLP

To the Victor Go the Spoils? The Recovery of Attorney's Fees in Attorney Discipline Cases

AGC V. SINGH, 2023 Md. LEXIS 150 (April 7, 2023) It is well-settled that absent certain exceptions, each party is responsible for their own attorney's fees regardless of the outcome of a case. But what about attorney...more

Fisher Phillips

5 Things Kentucky Employers Need to Know About the State’s New Medical Cannabis Law

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Kentucky just became the 38th state to legalize medicinal cannabis when Governor Andy Beshear signed SB 47 into law on March 31. This comes after many years of failed legislation and just a few months after the governor...more

Vicente LLP

Rise in Michigan Cannabis Regulatory Agency Enforcement Actions Signals Importance of Operational Compliance

Vicente LLP on

Each month, the Michigan Cannabis Regulatory Agency provides Disciplinary Action Reports (DAR) detailing the formal administrative complaints and disciplinary actions against adult-use and medical marihuana licensees. The...more

Oberheiden P.C.

Ten Things You Should Do NOW if Your Medical License is at Risk

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As a doctor or other licensed medical professional, the prospect of losing your license to practice medicine can be overwhelming. But, to protect your license—and your career—to the fullest extent possible, you need to act...more

Oberheiden P.C.

12 Keys to Surviving a Board of Pharmacy Investigation in 2025

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As a pharmacist, facing a board of pharmacy investigation can be extremely risky. While losing your professional license might seem like the greatest risk, this isn’t necessarily the case. Increasingly, boards of pharmacy are...more

Bricker Graydon LLP

[Event] Ethics & Professionalism Seminar - November 29th, Columbus, OH

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Bricker & Eckler invites you to attend our annual Ethics & Professionalism Seminar. This year's event features the following presentations and speakers: The Year in Review - Joseph Caligiuri, Ohio Disciplinary Counsel...more

Oberheiden P.C.

Medical Board Investigations: What Doctors Need to Know in 2023

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As a licensed physician, facing a medical board investigation could mean that your career is on the line. Even though you spent years in medical school and in residency, and even though you may have spent decades honing your...more

Oberheiden P.C.

5 Keys to Effective Texas Medical Board Investigation Defense

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As a licensed physician in Texas, facing a Texas Medical Board (TMB) investigation can present significant risks. Depending on the allegations underlying the investigation, your medical license could be in jeopardy—and you...more

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