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Fifth Circuit Vacates New Private Funds Rules

In a 3-0 decision issued today, June 5, 2024, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals (the “Court”) vacated the new private funds rule adopted by the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) on August 23, 2023 (the “Rule”). The Court… more

Appellate Division Finds No Reason to Disturb Employer’s Experts’ Qualifications, to Not Accept Their Testimony, and Rejects Claim That Experts Only Offered Net Opinions. Appellate Division Found That Experts Provided the Reasons for Their Conclusions.

Bello v. United Panam Financial Corp., No. A-2986-21 (Mar. 6, 2024) - The pro se petitioner appealed from a workers’ compensation order finding that his injuries were not causally related to his employment. The petitioner filed two… more

The Rise of ADA and Data Breach Class Actions

by Epiq

Class action lawsuits have been on a record-setting upward trend in recent years and they aren’t showing any signs of slowing. According to the Duane Morris Class Action Review 2024, settlement numbers reached unprecedented levels in… more

Key antitrust findings - May 2024

This newsletter is a summary of the antitrust developments we think are most interesting to your business. David Higbee (Global Head of Antitrust) and Dominic Long (Global Deputy Head of Antitrust) are our editors this month. They have… more

TiNY Report for June 6, 2024

We’ve enjoyed the steady flow of cases from the DTA of late. One of the reasons we write TiNY is that we are interested in how the judges and the Commissioners on the Tribunal view the cases. We have the most fun when we posit… more

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