The Future of Virtual Reality in Sports with Bob Tetiva, Founder & CEO, Sense Arena
NFTs and Brands in the Metaverse
JONES DAY PRESENTS®: The Metaverse - Opportunities, Markets and Regulation
[LEGAL MARKETING MOMENTS] What Do You Need To Know About The Term Metaverse?
Leading in a Lonely World Podcast: Meet Dr. Marc Williams
Dive into our seventh edition of the XR Report, revealing transformative insights into the extended reality industry. This comprehensive analysis—based on surveys of 305 insiders and interviews with executives—uncovers...more
Advancements in technology are revolutionizing the way legal cases are presented in Florida’s courtrooms, particularly in personal injury and accident-related claims. One of the most powerful tools emerging in this field is...more
On December 30, 2024, FDA unveiled an Idea Lab as part of its Home as a Health Care Hub initiative to reimagine how new and existing medical devices can be incorporated in a home environment. As previously discussed here, FDA...more
The construction industry is no stranger to complexity. As projects grow larger and more intricate, involving multiple stakeholders across various jurisdictions, the amount of data generated has surged exponentially. This...more
FINRA’s Office of Financial Innovation published a report on “The Metaverse and the Implications for the Securities Industry” to raise awareness among its member firms and the broader securities industry and seek industry...more
This past spring, amidst the planning for our 25th-anniversary celebration, Team LISI took a moment to reflect on the significant changes in the digital marketing landscape over the past quarter century. Jason Lisi, our CEO...more
Según cifras de la Organización Mundial de la Salud se estima que cada año se pierden 12 000 millones de días de trabajo debido a la depresión y la ansiedad, a un costo de US$ 1 billón por año en pérdida de productividad...more
Workplace stress affects millions globally, and Mexico has one of the highest rates of work-related stress in the world. Given this context, companies doing business in Mexico have become acutely aware of the significant...more
The phrase “interesting recent decision” is sometimes overused, but in a notable decision, the EUIPO recently addressed a novel issue: whether retail services for virtual goods (specifically, "retail services in relation to...more
Immersive technologies are at the forefront of innovation in the consumer technology and life sciences industries, but regulators are struggling to fit these devices, which blend clinical software with commercial headsets,...more
This past spring, as the first signs of blooming flowers began to decorate Philadelphia’s tree-lined streets, TeamLISI was bustling with excitement and anticipation, planning for the grand celebration of our 25th anniversary....more
As we countdown to NY Tech Week in just 15 days, here are 15 facts about the city's dynamic tech ecosystem....more
On April 4, 2024, the CFPB issued a report examining the growth of financial transactions in online video games and virtual worlds. The report, titled “Banking in Video Games and Virtual Worlds,” highlights the growth and...more
If you thought virtual reality was free from real-world regulations, think again. On April 4, 2024, the CFPB released an Issue Spotlight that dives deeply into a realm the agency had not previously traversed—video games and...more
On April 4, 2024, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) issued a new report, titled “Banking in Video Games and Virtual Worlds” (Report), that examines the growth of financial transactions in online video games and...more
Here are curated AG and federal regulatory news stories highlighting key areas in which state and federal regulators’ decisions are having an impact across the US: •CFPB Not Playing Games with Financial and Privacy Risks - ...more
On April 4, 2024, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) issued a report on “Banking in video games and virtual worlds” (Report). The Report focuses on the movement of money in virtual worlds and how gamer data is...more
Ask any long-time HR professional what the most significant change of the last few years has been, and they’ll all tell you the same things: the use of HR technology and the investment in human capital. The two are...more
In this episode of “Lawyers With Game,” hosts Darius Gambino and Brian Landry from Saul Ewing’s Video Gaming & Esports Practice talk to Bob Tetiva, Founder and CEO of Sense Arena, a virtual reality training platform for elite...more
Seyfarth Synopsis: Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), and Artificial Intelligence (AI) have become increasing factors in construction and general industry workplaces, creating not only potential safety hazards...more
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has adopted new technical rules intended to promote unlicensed innovation for applications as diverse as “hot car” child safety and virtual reality gaming. The new rules, which took...more
The construction industry is one of the most complex and challenging sectors. Projects can be highly demanding and require a significant amount of planning and coordination to complete successfully. However, with advancements...more
AR Design Innovations LLC v. Rove Concepts Ltd., Case no. 2:23cv310 (E.D. Texas, June 26, 2023) - Virtual and augmented reality technology increasingly is finding a place in a wide range of industries, and home...more
This will be a two-part posting. In this first part, we will focus on the NFT technology, and in the second part the legal underpinnings. NFT technology presents an extraordinary opportunity for arbitration to be used as the...more
How do you use the patent system to protect inventions related to the metaverse? What is the Metaverse? Merriam Webster defines the metaverse as “a persistent virtual environment that allows access to and interoperability of...more