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Supreme Court Limits NLRB Injunctive Powers

The National Labor Relations Board’s (NLRB/the Board) burden to secure injunctions against employers has been significantly raised following the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in a case involving Starbucks. On June 13, 2024, the Supreme… more

The Sad Tragedy Of Greta Thunberg

Like her or hate her, it was impossible to ignore Greta Thunberg. The Swedish teenager (she's now 21) burst on the world scene in 2018 as a leader for dramatic climate activism. "How dare you!" she demanded of the United Nations at its… more

Cumulative Impacts

A panel of EPA’s National Environmental Justice Advisory Council (NEJAC) recently released draft recommendations for how EPA should more effectively address cumulative impacts. NEJAC recommends EPA’s work “center” on four… more

Correo Del IRS

En su mayor parte, los contribuyentes no quieren recibir correo del IRS ni abrir correo del IRS. Es por eso por lo que el IRS emitió el Consejo Fiscal (“Tax Tip”) 2024-45 el 6 de mayo de 2024 para informar a los contribuyentes qué… more

Mail From The IRS

For the most part, Taxpayers do not want to receive mail from the IRS or open mail from the IRS. This is why IRS issued Tax Tip 2024-45 on May 6, 2024 to let taxpayers know what taxpayers should do if they receive mail from the IRS… more

Don’t Treat Your LinkedIn Profile Like a Resume

Curating your LinkedIn profile for an audience of hiring managers and potential employers is ideal for most job seekers, but the resume format falls flat for professionals who already have their dream job and want to use their public… more

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